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Janet 05-15-2014 05:43 PM

Leaving The Nest
Ladies....my son just bought (almost) a house!!! The closing will be June 20th. He is so excited and I'm excited for him. It will be a big life change for all of us for sure.

It's a nice little place with just a little less than 2 acres. Here is a link...I hope it comes through okay: http://www.rodkey.com/details.cfm?HouseIndex=750 The ad makes it sound like there is all kinds of work to be done on it, but there really isn't that much. Mostly all cosmetic...needs carpeting replaced down stairs and painting needs to be done, but nothing we all can't handle.

Such an exciting time for him and I'm so proud of him.

Shada 05-15-2014 06:25 PM

How exciting for you all!!! You will have a lot of fun doing those little things that help make a house a home.
Wish I were closer to help out... I do suggest going to auctions for household items, lots of treasures can be bid on and bought for next to nothing... look for estate sales, I love finding something I didn't even know I needed till I see it..

have fun and enjoy this new experience with your son!!

DIANE W 05-16-2014 02:47 PM

I am so happy for him Janet, he seems a really nice lad, very kind and thoughtful.

It will be nice for him that he has a good family to help him, it's exciting making a new home, I am sure you will miss him too.

My daughter is looking at moving out soon, so we have been buying things and storing for ages, she already has most things, except, carpets, curtains and sofas.

I will miss her, as we are very close, but it is time for her, she is 27 and needs her independence ...... Won't stop me being sad though:(

Janet 07-12-2014 02:56 PM

Well he has moved. Still see him a lot as we are still working on the house. Be glad when we're done, butting heads with the GF too much. Thinks she has a say, when she has no voice in the matter. It's still in our name, but hopefully that will change soon.

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