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cindy0721 03-15-2007 05:40 AM

Need help planning a 40th Birthday Party!
My older sister will be 40yrs old this year and my mother and I decided to throw her a 40th Party.. so ladies I need ideas.......:p

magnolia 03-15-2007 06:01 AM

When I turned 40 a few years back, I didn't really have a party but did get some really cute things. My sister gave me an "Old Lady's Walking Cane", some novelty "pills" (jelly beans, m&m's, and red hots in medicine bottles for different ailments), and balloons and signs all along my route to work! She even taped a sign to the back of my vehicle that said, "Honk, I'm 40 today" - it was there half the day before I saw it, was wondering why people were honking at me!! If you have a novelty type store nearby, stop in and see what they may have that can help you come up with some ideas.

Best of luck, sorry I couldn't give you any more ideas that that. Maybe someone else will come along that can give you better ideas than me.

cindy0721 03-15-2007 06:10 AM

well I am going to book a park... they have one available only for that day but it would have to be the Friday before her 40th she turns 40 on May 23rd (Tues) but since it is soooooo close to graduation for high schools.... everything seems to be booked.... I just need ideas on what to do AT the party... I'm thinking 80's themed......

Chandra Amaya 03-15-2007 11:34 AM

ohhh 80's theme sounds great. Maybe set up a "big hair" station. Where are have combs, brushes, tons of hairspray. Treat all he ladies to the 80's "big hair" do. Also, try a used CD shop (if you don'r already have them) for cd's such as Whitesnake, Bon jovi, Poison, Kiss all the big 80's bands to play in the background. Invite everyone to come in their 80's band T-shirts & ripped up jeans. Hope some of this helps & have a great time. It's so nice for you to do this for your sis :D

Mandy 03-15-2007 12:17 PM

That 80's theme sounds GREAT!! Throw her a disco party :D

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