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Marilyn 03-18-2007 05:17 PM

Wonder who's watching us!!
Have you noticed that many of the threads have just a few posts, but lots of views. Wonder who all the people are who are reading and not posting? If you're out there, speak up and let us get to know you!!!

Mandy 03-19-2007 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Marilyn
Have you noticed that many of the threads have just a few posts, but lots of views. Wonder who all the people are who are reading and not posting? If you're out there, speak up and let us get to know you!!!

Yeh i noticed the same, and been wondering why they dont just hop in and join us :D

Lissa 03-19-2007 06:52 AM

There may be few posts and a lot of views cause people who've posted keep going back to see who's saying what and it counts each time as a new view.

Janet 03-19-2007 06:58 AM

I've wondered the same thing. So many views at times. If it is just people reading, please join us....:)

magnolia 03-19-2007 11:34 AM

Guilty :o A lot of times that I jump to this forum, all I have time to do is read a new post or two before getting back to work. And I was not posting for a few months so I've had a lot of reading to go back and catch up on. I don't want to post on a thread that's a month old (or even a week old) so I just read:) I do chime in when I can - I'm just glad to be at a point where I can get back in here to read a post or two!! Sure have missed you all:)

Marilyn 03-19-2007 04:05 PM

Suzi, we're glad that you are back. You can read all you want!!! I think there are a lot more silent ones out there.

AngieDoogles 03-19-2007 06:17 PM

I think my mom might be one of the silent ones. LOL! She wants to see what her daughters are into :p, but feels that keeping up with two forums would be too difficult. (She's on Maltese Talk.) There are times when she'll mention things I've posted here, so she must be one of our "lurkers"! :)

Chandra Amaya 03-20-2007 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
I think my mom might be one of the silent ones. LOL! She wants to see what her daughters are into :p, but feels that keeping up with two forums would be too difficult. (She's on Maltese Talk.) There are times when she'll mention things I've posted here, so she must be one of our "lurkers"! :)

Ohhhhhhh...Mom's watching us? Lol...guess we shouldn't mention any surprises for her...thanks for the warning ;)

Chandra Amaya 03-20-2007 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by magnolia
Guilty :o A lot of times that I jump to this forum, all I have time to do is read a new post or two before getting back to work. And I was not posting for a few months so I've had a lot of reading to go back and catch up on. I don't want to post on a thread that's a month old (or even a week old) so I just read:) I do chime in when I can - I'm just glad to be at a point where I can get back in here to read a post or two!! Sure have missed you all:)

Suzi if you bring an old post back up I think that's fine (as I'm sure everyone else does). It gives people who joined after it was made or that may have missed it a chance to see & reply as well :)

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