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Taurus Babe 05-03-2007 01:06 PM

So spoiled sometimes!
I was getting gas today and thinking to myself, "gosh, did they get new pumps here?" Then it hit me, I've NEVER pumped gas here before! My bf always, always pumps my gas for me!:p He is the sweetest!

And also while I'm on the subject, the other night I got home from a long day at work and he had cleaned the house so it was sparkling AND had dinner warming in the oven! :thumbup: What a man.:D

Passionfruition 05-03-2007 02:55 PM

Aww, sounds like your boyfriend is a keeper!!! :dreaming:

When I first read this, I thought I read that you had never pumped gas before. LOL. I was like, dang girl! I think that stuff happens to me too though, because when I'm out with my husband, he always pumps the gas for us. (He's also a keeper, lol.)

Janet 05-03-2007 03:38 PM

Congratulations you two.....sounds like you both have keepers.

Mandy 05-03-2007 11:31 PM

Awww thats so sweet. I like the sparkling house, and dinner warming in the oven :thumbup:

Janet 05-04-2007 12:58 PM

Mine doesn't know where the cleaning supplies are!!!

Taurus Babe 05-04-2007 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
Mine doesn't know where the cleaning supplies are!!!

Janet, you crack me up. I know it's not funny...but the way you say things just kills me here. You could smack some men in the face with cleaning supplies and they would still not get the hint.

highlans 05-04-2007 11:55 PM

Ha I want him, whilst laid up in bed this week I lost 3lb as my hubby forgot to feed me!!

Mandy 05-05-2007 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by highlans
Ha I want him, whilst laid up in bed this week I lost 3lb as my hubby forgot to feed me!!

OUI! Im sorry you were sick, hope you are feeling much better!! Next time phone for take outs girl ;)

*MEN* :eek:

Janet 05-05-2007 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by highlans
Ha I want him, whilst laid up in bed this week I lost 3lb as my hubby forgot to feed me!!

You poor thing, yes definitely call for take out.....for one...maybe that will teach him. Of course with mine, he's happy with soup, so it wouldn't phase him one bit. But hey, 3 lbs gone...that's good...I do try to look at the bright side once in awhile....LOL:)

AngieDoogles 05-05-2007 07:36 AM

Aww. That's so sweet of your bf to do that for you. My hubby always pumps our gas, too. He even takes my car to get gas when it's low so that I won't have to. I feel very spoiled as well, but I'm so glad to have him in my life. :D

Janet 05-05-2007 02:55 PM

Okay you guys are getting really sickening about your adorable husbands........ I'M GONNA PUKE!!!!! NOT...........I'm just kidding.

I am so envious I'm sick. I guess not everyone can be so happy. Alot of you are newlyweds and are still in wedded bliss.........so I hope you all keep the bliss alive forever!!!

Gina 05-05-2007 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
Okay you guys are getting really sickening about your adorable husbands........ I'M GONNA PUKE!!!!! NOT...........I'm just kidding.

I am so envious I'm sick. I guess not everyone can be so happy. Alot of you are newlyweds and are still in wedded bliss.........so I hope you all keep the bliss alive forever!!!

First of all I want to say I don't pump my own gas, in my state the attendant does it Thank God lol Janet your right they are all newlyweds, even tho I must say that my hubby cooks on weekends while I am working. Girls you gotta train them from the start.. lol

Taurus Babe 05-05-2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by highlans
Ha I want him, whilst laid up in bed this week I lost 3lb as my hubby forgot to feed me!!

Yes, order take out on his credit card!!!

Taurus Babe 05-05-2007 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
Aww. That's so sweet of your bf to do that for you. My hubby always pumps our gas, too. He even takes my car to get gas when it's low so that I won't have to. I feel very spoiled as well, but I'm so glad to have him in my life. :D

DAMN! You've got a keeper!!! That is fantastic. I don't like going to the gas station...that's so nice of him!!!

AngieDoogles 05-05-2007 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
Okay you guys are getting really sickening about your adorable husbands........ I'M GONNA PUKE!!!!! NOT...........I'm just kidding.

I am so envious I'm sick. I guess not everyone can be so happy. Alot of you are newlyweds and are still in wedded bliss.........so I hope you all keep the bliss alive forever!!!

I hope so too Janet. I just don't want anything to change about our marriage. I think I have the cutest, sweetest guy in the world (I know I'm biased but that's okay, we can just agree to disagree, lol). I just don't understand how I ended up with someone as amazing as him...

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