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Gutu28 07-06-2007 12:10 PM

Birth Control Pills?
I am on Yasmin right now and I am looking to switch..I dont like the side effects of it. What are your experiences with different brands? Whats worked for you and what hasnt?

Lindsey 07-06-2007 12:18 PM

I don't know about the difference between American and Canadian brands... but the lowest dose pill (at least at the time) is what I started on, and that was Alesse. Didn't work for me. I was on it for a year but if I was even an hour late taking a pill, I'd start spotting or even get my period as early as the next day! After about a year on that I was switched to Triphasil (I have sometimes been given Triquilar by the pharmacist... they're the exact same) and it's been working great. The best part is that it's made my period only last about 3 days!
The one thing I've found since I've been on birth control pills is that I am SO much more emotional. I never used to cry and now anything makes me cry!

Janet 07-06-2007 12:21 PM

It has been years...and I MEAN YEARS!! since I took birth control pills, but when I did I had to stop. It was causing blood clots. The pills really aren't safe. If you can keep from taking them and use something else, it would be better.

Again, they may be different now and much safer...I don't know.

Lindsey 07-06-2007 12:27 PM

Janet, I think the pills now are much much lower dose than they used to be. I've done some reading on this and when they used to make birth control pills they didn't know exactly how much was effective in preventing pregnancy, and over the years the hormonal dosage has been lowered substantially. There is still a small risk of clotting but you're at a higher risk if you smoke. I had a couple friends who tried doing the shots every 3 months, but both got very sick from it, and I think chances of clotting with the shots is higher than with the pills.

Gina 07-06-2007 01:20 PM

Sorry I can't help you with this question, I never took any.

judy 07-06-2007 03:23 PM

I had the same thing as Janet. Sure don't need them now!

But I'm on hormone replacement therapy and they're always coming out with scares and warnings.

What about the shot? I knew a lot of young women who did that.

Taurus Babe 07-06-2007 06:29 PM

I really liked Ortho tricyclin Lo. I don't know if I spelled the right. The hormones in that pill come in a lower dose so the side effects (at least for me) were not there. I've just switched to the nuva ring which is awesome cause you don't have to remember to take a pill everyday, but I'm having some wierd physical side effects with it.:( Good luck. It's a hard thing to research, dedice upon!!

AngieDoogles 07-07-2007 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Taurus Babe
I really liked Ortho tricyclin Lo. I don't know if I spelled the right. The hormones in that pill come in a lower dose so the side effects (at least for me) were not there.

I was on this as well and had no (negative) side effects.

I would talk to your doctor and decide together what route would be best for you. There are just so many options it's hard to choose!

Gutu28 07-08-2007 08:17 PM

Thanks ladies! Im making an appt for tomorrow and I am going to try the Lo..it seems that whenever I am on medication, the side effects hit me hard, so Im hoping this one will work a little better for me!

Neecy 07-08-2007 08:22 PM

I have been on Triphasil (generic is Enpresse) for years and years with no side affects at all ;)......good luck tomorrow....

Ponyup 07-09-2007 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Gutu28
Thanks ladies! Im making an appt for tomorrow and I am going to try the Lo..it seems that whenever I am on medication, the side effects hit me hard, so Im hoping this one will work a little better for me!

How long have you been on it & what side effects are you experiencing. When I first started birth control I was on ortho-tricyclen. For the first 2 months I had some side effects, head ache, stomache ache, nauseus. But after about 2 months those side effects went away.

I recently switched to Yaz. My PMS systoms have gotten really bad lately & this should help me control them. Plus with Yaz I am going to have a period every 10 weeks instead of every 4. You can't do this on the ortho-triclene because it's not mono-hormonal.

Gutu28 07-09-2007 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ponyup
How long have you been on it & what side effects are you experiencing. When I first started birth control I was on ortho-tricyclen. For the first 2 months I had some side effects, head ache, stomache ache, nauseus. But after about 2 months those side effects went away.

I recently switched to Yaz. My PMS systoms have gotten really bad lately & this should help me control them. Plus with Yaz I am going to have a period every 10 weeks instead of every 4. You can't do this on the ortho-triclene because it's not mono-hormonal.

I have been on it for about 2 years now..I was on it along with another medication for migraines..I had to quit that one over a year ago because of the side effects and things that I thought were because of that. Well, I am still experiencing some of them. I am very irritable and I cry at the drop of a dime..like anything. I can prolly make myself cry! My boyfriend of 2.5 years has been very patient with everything. I also have zero sex drive and Im only 23! That's not normal..haha.. and it has put quite a damper on that part of the relationship...I havent had any physical side effects. I got the ortho lo this afternoon and I have to wait 2 weeks to finish out my Yasmin and then I will see how it goes!

vainchick5 07-09-2007 01:49 PM

I've been on tri-sprintec for a long time now and I love it! No side effects or anything weird.

Ponyup 07-10-2007 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by vainchick5
I've been on tri-sprintec for a long time now and I love it! No side effects or anything weird.

I was on tri-spentec for 5 years (it's the generic of ortho-triclyen). I had no problems. However, in the last 6 months my PMS sysmptoms have become horrendous. I went to a gynocologist & she said I was totally normal that your body changes in your mid-late 20's & PMS becomes more intense. She switched me to Yaz to help control my PMS symptoms. So far so good, but I've only been on it since sunday.

momof2boys 07-10-2007 07:38 AM

I have been on the Yasmin and Orthotri-cyclen as well as Ortho-cyclen and those never worked for me. So, I tried the patch, which didn't work for me either because I have an allergy to adhesives on anything like that, bandaids and all, so it left big whelps on me wherever I had it and itched the whole time. The one that did work well for me was the Nuvaring. It was wonderful like someone else said, you don't have to remember to take a pill every day. The pills did not work for me because of the hormone levels, they gave me migranes, but the Nuvaring has a lower dose.

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