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Tink 09-01-2007 07:29 PM

Growing older together
As you know, Dh and I celebrated our 22nd anniversary yesterday. We've definitely had our ups and downs in that time, but we pulled through and now feel like we've settled into a place we both enjoy.
He gave me a card that I'd like to share with you all... it speaks of the changing love over time and I think you younger ladies might appreciate it as much as I did.

"For my soul mate; my lover; my friend
I used to think that being in love meant passion, excitement, and romance. Now I understand that real love is all those things, but it's so much more.
Love is watching television together
sharing sunday-morning newspapers
talking through our problems
reading next to each other in bed
cuddling when the nights are cold
and knowing we will always be together.

Being with you has shown me all that love can be
I'm so glad that I get to share my life and my love with you
Forever and always"

See, even us older folks can still have it going on. LOL

DianaB 09-02-2007 12:00 PM

Awwwww, what a nice card!!! How did you keep from crying? I would have tears all over everywhere with that one!

Mandy 09-02-2007 12:52 PM

Awwww thats beautiful!

Tink 09-02-2007 12:56 PM

Diana, I did get all choked up. That doesn't happen to me often, but that card did it. LOL

cindy0721 09-02-2007 01:12 PM

aww Congrats on your anniversary! I completed 5 years this year and I will tell you what.. pulled out my hair a couple of times even took out the frying pan but we are still here and Im glad.... I hope I can be as lucky as you one day !

Janet 09-02-2007 05:38 PM

That was sooo sweet.

DianaB 09-03-2007 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Tink
Diana, I did get all choked up. That doesn't happen to me often, but that card did it. LOL

My husband got me a signed print of D. Morgan's one year for Christmas (with the help of my daughter-in-law). I have several other prints of hers and just love her work. Anyway it has words written around the picture that says "One hundred years together would surely be too few, for everyday all over again I fall in love with you!" I can tell you that I cried when I read it! My husband is a real sweetie!

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