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Tink 11-23-2007 01:06 PM

**Tissue alert** a must-watch video

DianaB 11-23-2007 01:41 PM

Why, oh why, oh why don't I ever pay attention to the words "tissue alert"? That was a great reminder for our men and women in the service.

Janet 11-23-2007 04:56 PM

AAwwww it just said "this video no longer available." I really didn't want to cry anyway.

katepoet 11-23-2007 07:20 PM

What was it, Tink?

Tink 11-23-2007 08:02 PM


katepoet 11-24-2007 02:44 AM

It's gone.

Janet 11-24-2007 05:13 AM

Glad Diana got to see it. Neither link worked for me.

DianaB 11-24-2007 06:22 AM

It was a fairly long video about the men and women who are fighting for our country. It started with showing pictures of them working and letting us know that they are sons, daughters, husbands, cousins, friends, etc. Then it moved on and showed them working and then it showed pictures of wives, children, and loved ones at their funerals. That was the really moving part. To have a wife or mother with their hand touching the casket for one last time. Then it ended with pictures of the soldiers coming home. Children laying on a father's shoulder. Husband and wives giving each other a big kiss. It basically said "Don't forget us. We're fighting for you." I wish that you all could have seen it because it really was something you needed a tissue for.

rivermom 11-24-2007 06:24 AM

Thanks for the story about what the video was about. It is good to always stop and reflect on all our soilders and what they do for us. Bless them all. (and bring them home to us)

katepoet 11-24-2007 09:10 AM

I wonder - could we, at a distance from each other, put together a care package to send to a man and one to a woman in Iraq? From the Women of 4WT? Would anyone like to do so?

Janet 11-24-2007 05:33 PM

I think it would be really nice but hard. The post office has it's deadlines to get things shipped out and I'm not sure we'd make it now.

katepoet 11-24-2007 06:23 PM

Oh - I wasn't thinking of in time for Christmas. They need gift boxes everyday when there is nothing going on but war. We can send them to an APO address so it only costs US shipping fees. I understand the solidiers need things like phone cards, shampoo, and moisturizer, and perhaps paperbacks for themselves.

One is also asked to send new t-shirts with cool US logos to give out to local Iraqi men. I don't know what they like to give to the women if any of our women soldiers have contact.

I also have heard that our men and women like music and musical instruments.

I am sure we can find a safe and reliable website to tell us just what is most wanted.

Thank you notes are always good. Hard candies and chewing gum to help counter the dry heat might be on the list. Candy that does not easily melt in the heat!

We could aim for boxes shipping at the end of the month of January in time to arrive for Valentine's Day. Diana, would your grandkids want to get their church groups or school classes involved in making valentines? (Remember how much fun it was to get that shoebox full in elementary school?)

I have a friend whose nephew is over in Iraq. I can find out if he is willing to receive the boxes and distribute the goodies. Does anyone know a nurse who is over there? That might be a good women's unit to support. They must need things like little bottles of alcohol cleaner or the disinfecting wipes.

I am going to copy this into a new thread so we can keep track of it.

judy 11-26-2007 11:12 AM

I've seen that video. It is amazing!

If you google "adopt a soldier," they'll give you sites to go to to help out.

katepoet 11-26-2007 12:35 PM

I did set up a thread with several sites but I don't see any responses - I wonder if it didn't really post?

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