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Mandy78 09-04-2006 06:35 PM

I am sooo depressed...
That summer is coming to an end. I live in the NE, and its already getting colder. And some leaves are already starting to change. Just bumms me out, ya know.
This is the time of year that I eat more, and don't excercise as much. Its too cold to go for walks. The nights are shorter, and it gets dark at like 5pm. I feel like I have to be in bed by like 8pm or so, cuz it gets dark sooo soon. That really is depressing! I hate it! And it won't get warm again til late May---bummer, HUH?

I think I need to move down south!!! LOL!!!!

Kim 09-04-2006 06:38 PM

But just think now you can get on here and we will fuss together.....lol:)

Mandy78 09-04-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kim
But just think now you can get on here and we will fuss together.....lol:)

Very true!!!! HAHAH!;)

Jlynn 09-04-2006 06:44 PM

Less time exercising and outdoors means more time on the computer! lol

I know how your feel. I love fall, except that it signals the coming of winter, yuck!

Kim 09-04-2006 06:44 PM

Living in the South it gets cold and dark eariler too...I don't like it either...but that means I can get on here eariler and not feel guilty about of the stuff outside I need to be doing...lol:)

Mandy78 09-04-2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jlynn
Less time exercising and outdoors means more time on the computer! lol

I know how your feel. I love fall, except that it signals the coming of winter, yuck!

LOL! More time on the computer means my butt will be getting bigger!!!! SIGH!:rolleyes:

Jlynn 09-04-2006 06:46 PM

Okay, good things about this time of year:

1. no mowing
2. yorkies wearing sweaters
3. no yard work
4. excuse to light a fire in the fire place

okay, that's all I can come up with, for now.

Kim 09-04-2006 06:47 PM

We will make you get up ever so often and walk....lol:D

Mandy78 09-04-2006 06:49 PM

I do enjoy Xmas!!!! But, thats about it! One of the things I hate the most is having to wear CLOSED toed shoes!! HAHAHAH!!! My toes go numb for the 1st few weeks of wearing them!

Jlynn 09-04-2006 06:51 PM

Okay, to help us avoid bigger butts:

Maybe we can start a thread to encourage each other to walk. You know we could post how long we walk each day, talk each other into it, maybe even get a little friendly competition going.

Maybe the fresh (cold air) will help everyone stay up a little later in the dark too!

Kim 09-04-2006 06:51 PM

Are you sure it isn't because you like to show off your pretty pedicure!!!!:) I know what you mean...it takes awhile to get use to them....

Mandy78 09-04-2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Kim
Are you sure it isn't because you like to show off your pretty pedicure!!!!:) I know what you mean...it takes awhile to get use to them....

How did you guess! I love showing off my pedicures!! LOL!!!

Mandy78 09-04-2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jlynn
Okay, to help us avoid bigger butts:

Maybe we can start a thread to encourage each other to walk. You know we could post how long we walk each day, talk each other into it, maybe even get a little friendly competition going.

Maybe the fresh (cold air) will help everyone stay up a little later in the dark too!

Good idea!!!!!;)

Amber_lv 09-04-2006 07:23 PM

You know if we all get small lap tops we could take them on a walk or even a trad mill and it would go by so fast while we are all gabbing on here LOL!! I hate the winter to but i love christmas so stay positive this will pass LOL.

Sherry Lynn 09-04-2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mandy78
I do enjoy Xmas!!!! But, thats about it! One of the things I hate the most is having to wear CLOSED toed shoes!! HAHAHAH!!! My toes go numb for the 1st few weeks of wearing them!

I know what you mean, Mandy!!! We had a full week of rain here, and everything was so soaked that I had to put on shoes for the first time in MONTHS! It only took about 15 minutes for me to get blisters on my heels.

I'd live in sandals and flip-flops if I could.

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