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Lindsey 02-04-2008 07:20 PM

The Week the Women Went
There's this new show here on CBC, and I was watching it tonight with my roommate when I thought of this forum and I thought I'd tell you about it. They took this small town in Alberta, and decided to take all of the women on a week-long trip, leaving the men to run the households, watch the kids, and basically run the whole town. It's very funny, and heartbreaking, and interesting! It's very much like the town I grew up in, and in fact one of the men on tonight's episode was wearing a hat from a lake about 15 minutes from my hometown :) Anyways, I just looked it up and they have the full episodes available online the mornings after each new episode on tv. The link is http://www.cbc.ca/thewomenwent/

Marilyn 02-05-2008 04:36 AM

Sounds like an interesting concept. We'll have to check it out!!

Marilyn 02-05-2008 04:36 AM

Sounds like an interesting concept. We'll have to check it out!!

Marilyn 02-05-2008 04:36 AM

Sounds like an interesting concept. We'll have to check it out!! I don't know how the men would survive. ;)

Marilyn 02-05-2008 04:37 AM

Okay, that's the second time I've double posted lately, and I only hit submit once. What is happening????? Oh, my goodness, I triple posted. Now what is happening. Lindsey, sorry to mess up your thread!!!!

Tink 02-05-2008 10:21 AM

;) I think Marilyn is serious about checking it out!

I cringe to think what those women would come home to. Did they leave the kids behind with the men?

DianaB 02-05-2008 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tink
;) I think Marilyn is serious about checking it out!

I cringe to think what those women would come home to. Did they leave the kids behind with the men?

That brings back memories of leaving my kids home with their Dad after I had just cleaned the house and they're not good memories!!!!!! I can't imagine a whole community of women leaving the men in charge. I bet that it's an interesting show!!

Lindsey 02-05-2008 11:12 AM

Yep, all of the children are left at home. One is a 13 year old girl who hardly ever sees her dad, but he came back to look after her for the week. Most of the other dads are guys who are truckers or work on oil rigs, so they're gone for weeks at a time and their wives basically raise their children alone. So far, it's been not a lot of parenting, and more just letting the kids run free, but I think that's going to change!

judy 02-06-2008 07:48 AM

A week is not long enough. You can let kids run wild for a week, and then the poor mothers have to come home and straighten everything out again! I don't think it's fair. It will take them weeks of "But Daddy let me....."


Are you going to watch that show?;)

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