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judy 03-16-2008 10:07 AM

I'm looking for a song bird
I love the way my daughter's parakeet sings and so I decided that I want to get a song bird. I'm looking for either a canary or a finch. I've had parakeets and many of them don't sing. They also need to be let out of the cage. Canaries and finches are happy living in the cage as long as it's long enough for some flight.

Does anyone know about birds?

Here's a sample of the 3 most popular canaries. Which one do you like best? (If any)

American Singer

Belgian Canary

Spanish Timbrado

yorkiemalt 03-16-2008 11:22 AM

I like the first one....the American Singer. The other two would drive me crazy! (or crazier) :D

Janet 03-16-2008 12:58 PM

Sorry Judy, but I'm not gonna be any help. I like to hear birds first thing in the morning, but after that..I'm done. Also, did you know I'm afraid of birds? I can still remember when I was in a crib and my nightmare of chickens all over my bed. My mom remembers it too.

judy 03-16-2008 03:44 PM

When we go on the yacht, I'll be sure to put the bird far away from you then!

Janet 03-16-2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by judy
When we go on the yacht, I'll be sure to put the bird far away from you then!

:eek: Judy, please find a bird sitter.....what would I do if it got loose and attacked me? Birds know I'm afraid of them and dive at me.

catlover 03-16-2008 06:21 PM

Janet-I guess this means you haven't watched Alfred Hitchcock's, "The Birds"?!!! :scratchhead:

Ashley V 03-16-2008 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
Sorry Judy, but I'm not gonna be any help. I like to hear birds first thing in the morning, but after that..I'm done. Also, did you know I'm afraid of birds? I can still remember when I was in a crib and my nightmare of chickens all over my bed. My mom remembers it too.

I'm afraid of birds too!

DianaB 03-17-2008 07:35 AM

Judy, I'm not going to be any help because they all sounded similiar to me.

My sister-in-law has a talking bird and it is so cool but annoying. He's learned to mimic the sounds of when you plug in your cell phone or the ringer. He'll sing songs too. He'll sit and just start going through everything that he knows throughout the day. Brenda said that once he picked up an annoying bird call from outside, a screech, and that was the worst. Her daughter once got annoyed while watching tv so she put a covering over his cage and he said "peek a boo!" I don't think that I'd want one after being around hers.

Shada 03-19-2008 02:24 PM

I have 2 society finches, and 3 star finches. Love them! The male star has a nice chirping short song. My societies are both female, only the male sings, sadly I have 2 females, so they are pretty quiet.

I have a flight cage with plenty of room for all five of them. They get along well together... in fact the female star lays a lot of eggs, but will not sit on them. The societies took over the care of her eggs a few months ago and hatched out a baby star! That was exciting.

I prefer the canary song over the finches, but canaries can be pricey, and I love the look of the finches. Plus canaries have to be alone to sing, and I wanted more than one bird in my cage.

You will love the sound of a canary singing. My grandmother always had canaries, and waking up to their sweet song is so soothing.

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