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Janet 03-19-2008 05:32 AM

Busy Spring Break!
Only two more days and then spring break will be here. Monday I'll be taking Gidget and Fancy in for their teeth cleaning and Fancy will need a couple pulled. Then on Tuesday, I'll take Emilee and Joey in for their cleaning.

Always makes be nervous, but I don't want them to get sick from bad teeth either. Taking two at a time (they put them right next to each other) so they'll be a little less frightened.

Took the puppies in yesterday for their first shots. They are 8 weeks old today. The girls did great, no even a whimper and the Vet said they look great!

katcarasella 03-19-2008 12:57 PM

I can't belive it, they're 8 weeks already.
Glad to hear they're doing so well. I envy you Janet, they're such cute little bundles of joy.

Gina 03-19-2008 01:00 PM

Good for you Janet! Enjoy your week off if anyone deserves it , its you. :)

DianaB 03-19-2008 04:01 PM

I need to take Reuger in and have his teeth cleaned. I need to get him fixed so I have it all done at once. I just hate having him gone over night.

Marilyn 03-19-2008 06:36 PM

I need to get Zoe and Chase's teeth cleaned, but I need to get them groomed first. I think there may be some shots that they need, too. I'd be ashamed for anyone to see them right now. I want to bathe them tonight. It's already 9:30 pm, but maybe I can at least do one of them. There is just no time to get things done.

Sorry, Janet, enjoy you time planning Spring Break!!!!!!! It's wonderful that you have time off to get things done!!!!

Janet 03-20-2008 05:33 AM

Seems like from Christmas to spring break just drags and drags, like it will never get here, but from spring break to the end of school it flies...and that makes me really happy.

For some reason I'm not having the patience with the kids. I think they need a break as much as me. They are being rude and rowdy. Maybe it will be better after break...we'll see.

DianaB 03-20-2008 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Janet
Seems like from Christmas to spring break just drags and drags, like it will never get here, but from spring break to the end of school it flies...and that makes me really happy.

For some reason I'm not having the patience with the kids. I think they need a break as much as me. They are being rude and rowdy. Maybe it will be better after break...we'll see.

I think that it seems longer from Christmas to Spring Break for the kids too. I know that Jaci always hates that time of year because there's no days off. After Spring Break it does seem like time flies. School will be out soon! Yay!!

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