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Tink 03-25-2008 10:57 AM

Group Therapy
A psychiatrist was conducting group therapy with 4 young moms & their
small children.You all have obsessions, he observed.

To the 1st mother, he said: "You are obsessed with eating. You've even
named your daughter Candy."

He turned to the 2nd mother: "Your obsession is with money. Again, it
manifests itself in your child's name, Penny."

He turns to the 3rd mother: "Your obsession is alcohol. This
manifests itself in your child's name, Brandy."

At this point, the 4th mother gets up, takes her little boy by the hand
and whispers: "Come on, Dick, we're leaving."

katcarasella 03-25-2008 11:19 AM

:sidesplit: You got me again Tink, I thought this was gonna be a serious thread.:sidesplit:

NicoleMarcelle 03-25-2008 12:20 PM

Lol... :D


AngieDoogles 03-25-2008 12:50 PM


Great one!!!

Gina 03-25-2008 01:21 PM

Love It!! Lmaoooooooo

Janet 03-25-2008 03:56 PM

Tink....you stinker...you get me everytime!!!

Tink 03-25-2008 05:14 PM

OOOPS did I post that? :angel:

katcarasella 03-25-2008 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tink
OOOPS did I post that? :angel:

Yep, Your avatar was right there for everyone to see.:rolleyes:

AngieDoogles 03-25-2008 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tink
OOOPS did I post that? :angel:

Must have been your evil twin! :D

DianaB 03-25-2008 07:39 PM

:sidesplit: Tink, I don't know where you come up with these, but they are hilarious!!!!

Tink 03-25-2008 08:02 PM

Diana, I hang out with a lot of people with warped minds. :p

As they say "birds of a feather flock together" so I get many in emails, PM's, MSN messenger, etc. I'm also a regular at several online communities where I see a lot of fun things. The best ones I share.

Gina 03-27-2008 03:54 AM

Tink I sent this to my friends, it was a good one :thumbup:

DianaB 03-27-2008 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tink
..... I'm also a regular at several online communities.....

How can you keep up with other online communities? I'm only on here and e-Bay and my house really suffers for it! I'd never get anything done if I was on other places too.

NicoleMarcelle 03-27-2008 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB
How can you keep up with other online communities? I'm only on here and e-Bay and my house really suffers for it! I'd never get anything done if I was on other places too.

Lol it works if you try hahaha!!! i'm on YT, here, Meetup.com, mydogspace, dogster, facebook and myspace and still manage to get work/school work done...yay meeee!!! :D

Tink 03-27-2008 09:53 AM

Diana, I still have friends at the site I used to work at, so go to chat with them... then have about 5 who I talk with almost every day on MSN... and joined the labradoodle site to learn and network with other breeders/owners. So I have online friends all around the globe and hate to cut any of those ties. Besides this, I have 2 active blogs of my own, and now will be starting the new online job. Oh and I get a lot of emails every day from people i know...

You don't want to know how much time I spend online each day. LOL

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