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2tiredmom 04-12-2008 05:10 AM

Son on National TV
My son who goes to Ball State called me this morning. Obama is down there today. They had people going around campus asking people to come. They came up to my son and asked if he wanted to sit behind him during his speech. Of course he said yes. Don't really care for the man but that's my opinion. My son is excited just to be able to say he was there. Thanks for reading.:eek:

Janet 04-12-2008 05:31 AM

What a wonderful experience for Dustin. I'm 53 years old, Linda and have never seen a candidate or President. I hope he takes as much as he can from this experience and really listens to what this man has to say.

Tink 04-12-2008 10:15 AM

Oh cool!
As Janet said, that's not something most of us ever get to do!

DianaB 04-12-2008 12:37 PM

I've never seen a candidate or president either. It should be an interesting experience for him.

katcarasella 04-12-2008 12:45 PM

Good for him, he can tell his children about this experience some day!!

Tink 04-12-2008 02:24 PM

I feel like a fool... Greg reminded me that yes, I have seen a presidential candidate...
Bill Clinton did a bus tour in Wisconsin and I did see him in our little town walking down the sidewalk shaking hands with people. LOL I was driving by and didn't bother to stop... Never was fond of that man. lol

Janet 04-12-2008 03:08 PM

I use to think he was a handsome man with a sexy smile....now....he's just another man...LOL

Marilyn 04-12-2008 04:24 PM

What a cool thing for your son to get to do. Hopefully, he got to sit behind the future President, but that's just my own personal opinion.

No matter what happens, this is a historic campaign. We will either have the first woman, first black man, or the oldest President in history.

goofywife 04-12-2008 11:05 PM

Awesome, do you have a picture?

Janet 04-13-2008 03:24 AM

How did Dustin like seeing Obama? He really is a very impressive man. Did he get any pictures he'll let you share?

judy 04-16-2008 07:28 AM

What a great experience for your son! He'll remermber it forever.

Gina 04-16-2008 02:06 PM

Thats a one in a life time experience.. Hope he takes photos for his own memories at least..

2tiredmom 04-21-2008 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 57280)
How did Dustin like seeing Obama? He really is a very impressive man. Did he get any pictures he'll let you share?

No pics. He couldn't use his phone while he was there. They had to be turned off.
But he did make the BSU paper front page. He was bored with the speech. But was glad he had the chance to be there.

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