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katcarasella 04-21-2008 05:58 PM

Forite Body of Water to Swim In.
What is your favorite body of water to go for a swim in?

Lindsey 04-21-2008 06:17 PM

The ocean is too cold for me and I grew up swimming in lakes but now I find them so dirty! So I chose pool :)

Dobie 04-21-2008 06:19 PM

The atlantic ocean

katcarasella 04-21-2008 06:26 PM

I chose the swimming pool, preferably in a 4 Star Hotel :dreaming:
I can't swim so I'd stay in the 5' section. When I was a kid we went swimming in Lake Michigan every weekend.:)

Forgivenmom5 04-21-2008 06:29 PM

I can't swim but I do play around with Crystal when we go to the beach. Don't go far though. I do get in the pool sometimes and love the hot tubs at the resort we stay in at the beach.

Beautiful picture in your avatar Kat.

Janet 04-22-2008 02:39 AM

Use to love the lakes and creeks. Believe it or not..when I was little, I could see the bottom of the lake (depending on depth) and now it's just too dirty. Very sad. So if I was going to swim, it would be a hopefully peeless pool.

DianaB 04-22-2008 08:36 AM

I love to swim, period. I've gotten where I like a nice warm pool and enjoy the cleaner water. I also enjoy swimming at the lake, in the pond, or in the river. The ocean is fun too but I'm not very used to the ocean so it's a little scary for me. I wish that our lakes and rivers had clearer water but where we live the water is really muddy.

judy 04-22-2008 03:21 PM

Give me the beach and the ocean any day!

Tink 04-22-2008 03:28 PM

Pool here too. I'm paranoid about what else is swimming in the water if I can't see through it. :o

Emmsmom 04-23-2008 05:49 AM

We have a lake here that has a beach area. The water is clear around the beach and you can clearly see anything coming or going. LOL I will swim there at times but I don't do it often tho. I use to lOVE going to the lake! THat all ended when my husband and I took a waverunner out into a DEEP lake. He decided to try to jump a wave. We did... and then it FLIPPED! I spazzed and so did he. He can't swim so I gave him my life jacket as well. So there I was swimming in the middle of a lake that was every bit of 60 feet deep. It was so dark that I couldn't see a thing. It was the first time that I was ever really scared of the water. Ever since then I have haven't been able to get in a lake till we moved here. As far as the ocean goes... Nope .. not happening. I am too much of a chicken S**T to do anything but stand at the edge. Way to many critters out there with teeth for my liking. This NEVER bothered me as a child. AHH the joys of getting older and wiser! LOL ;)

Tink 04-23-2008 07:26 AM

LOL Emmsmom you sound like me hon.
I prefer to be at the TOP of the food chain.

Marilyn 04-23-2008 10:04 AM

River by far is my favorite swimming spot. Specifically the Comal River in New Braunfels, Texas. It is spring fed, crystal clear, no chlorine, just good clean H2O. The absolute best thing to do is float in an innertube on the Comal. You can lay on top of the tub and just relax, contemplate your pedicure and watch the world float past, or you can look through the center of the tube and watch what is on the bottom or look at the fish. This is such relaxing experience. Hubby and I honeymooned in New Braunfels and have gone back there almost every summer since. Would love to own a home on the Comal, however, it's the shortest river in the country, and real estate is sky high!!:eek:

teri88 04-23-2008 03:56 PM

I love the ocean. In NJ the water temp never gets above 75. When we were in the Bahamas a few years ago the locals could not believe we were swimming in the ocean because it was "only" 80 degrees. I told the one guy I'd never gone swimming in water that warm He was :eek:

Chandra Amaya 04-28-2008 07:27 PM

I've only been to the ocean twice and for very short moments. i loved it and hope to go back sometime, the sooner the better.

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