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Tink 04-24-2008 02:27 PM

I've been on the phone much of the afternoon and am thrilled to announce it paid off!

The goofy Irs started out claiming we owed them over $6000 for 2005... said I had to refile and later sent me a check for $308. Today I got a bill from them claiming I still owe them $294 for that year and it must be paid in 10 days. :eek: So I called them and ended up getting another $231 refund due me!

So since I had such good luck with them, I decided to get back to Centruytel about the credit they'd promised me for having given me 256 service for the past 33 months when I'd been paying for 1500. They started out offering me $60... I told them for that long a time that's just not acceptable and they said ok... lets see what we can do. By the time I hung up they'd agreed to a $330 credit... so my phone call was worthwhile.

The IRS is still processing the refiling of my 2004 taxes, and have decided I probably won't owe them anything for that year either. I hope my luck holds till I get that settled as well!

So from this morning to this afternoon I'm considerably ahead just by calling and being pleasant yet persistent. WHEW!

DianaB 04-24-2008 03:26 PM

You definitely came out ahead!!!! Next time I need to make some calls on stuff like that I'm going to let you do it for me!!!!!

Marilyn 04-24-2008 03:57 PM

Way to go, Tink!!!! Nice things happen to good people. Most of the time!!

katcarasella 04-24-2008 04:36 PM

Great News Tink, the squeeky wheel gets the oil. :lol2:

Janet 04-24-2008 05:37 PM

Good for you Tink..persistance does pay off...most of the time!

judy 04-25-2008 09:02 AM

Yay! Good for you Tink! Pleasant persistence is the way to go.

I'm sending you a list of things I need taken care of.

Tink 04-25-2008 09:28 AM

LOL Ladies, I'm not always so successful at this, which is why it was so noteworthy.

Seems to help when you know you're right too. :rolleyes:

Chandra Amaya 04-28-2008 08:49 PM

WOOT! Way to go Tink. I'm so glad it has been a fruitful day for you.

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