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khardy57 09-22-2006 04:11 PM

Anybody want a brother in law?????
:mad: As background, my husband died in Oct '05. Because of his brother, I got screwed out of 47 acres that I helped pay for!! I put my house up for sale and bought another one and moved to get away from my inlaws. They have made every step of adjusting to widowhood extremely painful.

Well, I have a buyer for my house and at the last minute my brother in law claims that MY well is on his property. According to the law, I must have a well on the property - and it is, just outside the fence, so to satisty the buyer I'm now going to have to pay around $1,500 for a survey. I'm so sick of his crap I don't know what to do! I can't call and discuss this with him because we can't talk without arguing - he's an asshole!

There's nothing anyone can do, I just needed to get it off my chest. BTW - pray for me because it's not going to take much for me to wring his neck!

Thanks, all

ice queen 09-22-2006 04:34 PM

he sounds like an damn ol turkey-ass to me!!! sometimes men are such selfish jerks!! i don't know what to tell you to do except pay for the survey or better yet tell him if he wants the well so damn bad HE can pay for the survey!!!:mad:

rivermom 09-22-2006 05:49 PM

Try to think of it this way. Once all the issues with the well/survey, etc are done, he wont be able to continue to hound you. It will be his own living hell he lives in knowing he can't torment you anymore. And YOU will be happy that his b.s is behind you. You will win in this entire situation. The good guys always do! :thumbup:

Mandy 09-23-2006 12:39 AM

YUK! He does sound like a right ********!!!! It won't be long anymore now, just think when it's all behind you, he can't do anything to you anymore!
Hang in there girl, we are here for you.

Janet 09-23-2006 03:08 AM

I am so sorry you are having to deal with this on top of everything else. Why would a man want to treat his brothers wife in such a fashion. As much as I would hate to get it done, I would do what is needed to get him out of your life.

I am puzzled why a survey would cost $1500. We had to have a property line survey done and it was only around $250 or $350. I would check with your local surveyor and make sure that the well isn't on YOUR property. He may already have it on file when the property was divided up. Most times a fence is erected INSIDE the property line, not right on the line itself. I hope for all he's putting you through that he ends up in the wrong. I'm wishing you all the best in this situation.

khardy57 09-23-2006 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Janet
I am so sorry you are having to deal with this on top of everything else. Why would a man want to treat his brothers wife in such a fashion. As much as I would hate to get it done, I would do what is needed to get him out of your life.

I am puzzled why a survey would cost $1500. We had to have a property line survey done and it was only around $250 or $350. I would check with your local surveyor and make sure that the well isn't on YOUR property. He may already have it on file when the property was divided up. Most times a fence is erected INSIDE the property line, not right on the line itself. I hope for all he's putting you through that he ends up in the wrong. I'm wishing you all the best in this situation.

There hasn't been a survey on this property since the early 60's and all the metal pins are gone (2 guesses who pulled them up). Because my husband's estate still isn't settled, there has to be a "full" survey which costs more.

Thanks everyone for all your kind words. I'll be OK in the long run, I'm just really stressed out right now because every time I try to settle something, my husband's brother comes up with some BS why it can't be done.

Janet 09-23-2006 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by khardy57
There hasn't been a survey on this property since the early 60's and all the metal pins are gone (2 guesses who pulled them up). Because my husband's estate still isn't settled, there has to be a "full" survey which costs more.

Thanks everyone for all your kind words. I'll be OK in the long run, I'm just really stressed out right now because every time I try to settle something, my husband's brother comes up with some BS why it can't be done.

I just hate that he is doing this to you. If you don't mind me asking...how does he find out what you're trying to get settled? I would make sure I don't say anything to anyone about what you're doing or need to do. If you're talking with professionals, (surveyor, lawyer, etc) make sure they know they are not to say anything....there is client confidentiality). Wish I could come and help you kick his a$$!! (or there close to it!!!)

khardy57 09-26-2006 03:56 PM

Well, so far so good. The surveyor went out today and said that ALL the property line markers had been removed! (Just like I said) He also said the well IS on my property and I'm set to close on the sale of my house Tursday if everything goes as planned. Keep your fingers crossed! The sooner this is done the sooner I can cut ties with my husband's family and then maybe I can sleep at night. My BIL is telling people that I cussed out the real estate company (not true) and that I won't be able to sell the house because he owns the pasture in front of it.

Well, the guy buying it doesn't care about the pasture and loves the house. I told my real estate agent to keep this quiet and not put a sign out that it's under contract. She knows the situation and agreed. My BIL is going to s*** bricks when he finds out it's sold:) I can only hope it gives him hemorrhoids!!!

Kimberley 09-26-2006 05:40 PM

Oh, man! What a jerk! Well, I hope that the sell goes through and you can finally get away from these jerks!!!:mad:

Janet 09-27-2006 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by khardy57
Well, so far so good. The surveyor went out today and said that ALL the property line markers had been removed! (Just like I said) He also said the well IS on my property and I'm set to close on the sale of my house Tursday if everything goes as planned. Keep your fingers crossed! The sooner this is done the sooner I can cut ties with my husband's family and then maybe I can sleep at night. My BIL is telling people that I cussed out the real estate company (not true) and that I won't be able to sell the house because he owns the pasture in front of it.

Well, the guy buying it doesn't care about the pasture and loves the house. I told my real estate agent to keep this quiet and not put a sign out that it's under contract. She knows the situation and agreed. My BIL is going to s*** bricks when he finds out it's sold:) I can only hope it gives him hemorrhoids!!!

I am so happy things are working out for you!!! YEAH!!!!! Hey, as soon as everything is closed and done with, you'll be able to post it in the new forum. Keep your chin up, it won't be long now! :thumbup: :) :)

khardy57 09-27-2006 04:53 PM

Thanks everybody. The closing is at 3:00 Thursday and so far everything is A-OK I do have to say this, though. I found out this afternoon that when my husband had the new fence built, he built it over the property line on one side. (We owned both sides so it didn't matter) But when he died, that's the property my BIL screwed me out of. (47 acres) Well, I tried to locate my BIL and his wife the witch told me that he was cutting hay at the other farm in a nearby town. Well, I took off work, went to the farm and sat on the side of the road with an airhorn until I got his attention. I told him about the problem with the fence and asked him if I had to move the fence or if he'd quitclaim it over to me. (.06 acres)

He told me to draw up the paperwork and he'd come by my office tomorrow morning and sign the quitclaim deed. I was shocked!!!!:eek: :eek: The quitclaim will be ready for him to sign at noon tomorrow and he promised he'd be there. He said he didn't have a problem with it.

Cross your fingers and pray that he does it! I'll update ASAP when I get home tomorrow.

Janet 09-28-2006 04:55 AM

Khardy57, I'm so glad things are working out for you...at least so far. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope he shows up to sign the papers. Let us know...I'm wishing you the best! :)

khardy57 09-28-2006 03:24 PM

I closed on the sale of my house!!!
It's a done deal....I'm so relieved! My BIL showed up to sign the quitclaim deed and I went from there to the closing and everything went great. I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight!

Thanks for being there everybody


Janet 09-28-2006 03:59 PM

Congratulations Kim!!! I'm very happy everything worked out for you. Now on to a whole new life!!!:)

Sherry Lynn 10-07-2006 06:45 PM

Hallelujah!!! Your BIL is going to have some serious karmic repercusions for this one! But as my Grandma always said... good ridance to bad garbage! Now you can put it all behind you.

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