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Janet 09-23-2006 08:28 AM

Mom had an accident
3 Attachment(s)
My mother has had some health problems recently, but at 83 years young, she's not willing to slow down for anyone or anything. She went camping yesterday (their group just went to someone's barnyard) and on the way there, she was getting ready to turn and some young lady (in a hurry for an appt.) did this to her car and camper.

She is fake crying for the picture, because she loves her camper. She's a great actress though and I can't wait to show her the picture of herself.

rivermom 09-23-2006 12:42 PM

Oohhhh Noooooo ! Glad your Mom is ok. That is so cute how she is "fake crying" for the picture. Now I know where you get your sense of humor from, YOUR Mom!!

Janet 09-23-2006 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
Oohhhh Noooooo ! Glad your Mom is ok. That is so cute how she is "fake crying" for the picture. Now I know where you get your sense of humor from, YOUR Mom!!

It freaked me out when I printed out the picture, because she wasn't even near to crying. A matter a fact I had told her it was a great way to get the new camper she wanted and she had been laughing.

Janet 09-23-2006 12:45 PM

That camper is her baby and it's bothers her more if something is wrong with the camper than her house our car!!!

Mandy 09-23-2006 12:47 PM

WOW Janet, she looks GREAT for her age!!!! I sure hope she is cobered well by insurance, it's a shame they hit her camper, i bet she has some very fond camping memories that no money in the world could replace.

Good actrice, i'm sure she will laugh out loud when she sees the pic LOL :thumbup:

Janet 09-23-2006 12:52 PM

Yes she will, laugh, that's for sure. I just hope I have some of her "growing old gracefully genes" LOL My family started camping in a 9 X 9 tent. My brother and I slept on one army cot and mom slept on the other with dad in a sleeping bag under them. Then we moved up to a 9 X 12 tent, from there a very small camper and then after my father passed, mom bought this one. Don't know if her insurance will cover it or not. It had hail damage a couple years ago and it was totalled, but she had it fixed. Even so, since she was pulling it behind her car, her car insurance should kick in...I hope!!!

Marilyn 09-23-2006 01:00 PM

So sad this happened to her, hope she was able to go on and enjoy her campout. She looks like a really spry lady!!

Janet 09-23-2006 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Marilyn
So sad this happened to her, hope she was able to go on and enjoy her campout. She looks like a really spry lady!!

They invented the word spry for her...LOL The accident happened 1 mile from where she was going to camp, so she's there enjoying her self. She loves those Saturday night pitch-ins....:D

2tiredmom 09-23-2006 02:52 PM

Your mom has spunk......I know. I use to work with her at Mallory.
Glad she's ok and didn't get hurt. I learn more on here than any where about you. TEEHEE:eek: I still miss you....:(

Janet 09-23-2006 02:54 PM

She's okay and so is the other lady. I'm waiting on the boys to get back with an Arnie's Junior salad. I'm so hungry!!!

Necee419 09-23-2006 03:58 PM

What sweet looking lady!! I am so glad she wasn't hurt and I am sure the damage can be fixed. I hope I am as active and independent as she is when I am her age.:)

Amber_lv 09-23-2006 04:00 PM

OMG at least everyone is safe that is scary!

Gina 09-23-2006 05:44 PM

Yes thank God that no one was hurt, your mom is soo cute, God Bless her, she looks like a young chick a dee....lol... Glad that all is well.. Gina

ldenise 09-23-2006 06:01 PM

she manages this camper and car all by her self? set up and the whole deal? she isn't just a lady.. she is super woman! she looks great.

BabyNicole 09-23-2006 06:45 PM

I'm so glad your mom is okay! Will the other lady's insurance company pay...I hope!?

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