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DianaB 05-17-2008 05:41 PM

Jaci's Birthday Party
4 Attachment(s)
Last night we finally celebrated Jaci's 16th birthday. We had put it off because it was so cool and muddy but this week it warmed up and was pretty nice. Our back yard is just woods with a very small creek that runs through it so we had a hot dog roast with a nice fire down there. My family all came, a nephew, a friend, Jaci's best friend, and Jaci's boyfriend. After we ate, my daughter, Amy, had some games for everyone to play. And then, since it seems like nobody can leave my home without being completely covered in mud or something icky, they had a pie fight with Cool Whip pies!!! Oh well, I guess that everyone will certainly remember this party!!!! Here's some of the pictures!!

1. Jaci with a little charm that says "16" on it.
2. Dae Lynn (Daughter), Kera (Granddaughter), Shayla (Friend)
3. Jaci with her boyfriend, Nate, and best friend, Lindsay
4. Jaci's birthday cake (I cheated and bought it but I did the writing on it!)

DianaB 05-17-2008 05:46 PM

4 Attachment(s)
1 & 2. Getting ready for the pie fight. I was in the middle taking pictures and was threatened a couple of times but threatening to ground them for life kept them back!!!
3 & 4. These were taken during the pie fight!

DianaB 05-17-2008 05:49 PM

3 Attachment(s)
1. This is my granddaughter, Karley.
2. Jaci and her boyfriend, Nate.
3. My daughter, Amy.

DianaB 05-17-2008 05:51 PM

3 Attachment(s)
1. My daughter, Dae Lynn.
2. My granddaughters, Kera and Kiley.
3. The whole group!!!!

Forgivenmom5 05-17-2008 06:44 PM

Jaci is certainly a beautiful young lady. Looks like everyone had a great time.

Marilyn 05-17-2008 08:33 PM

Wonderful family you have there!!! Looks like everyone really had a good time!!

Janet 05-18-2008 03:32 AM

Diana!!! I want to come live with you! We never have that kind of fun.

judy 05-18-2008 05:49 AM


What a wonderful family you have. Jaci is gorgeous. 16 is a nice age.

What I think you should be proud of is that your children don't expect a fancy Sweet 16 party, and have a ball doing good clean fun things. I admire those values so much.

Kera has the same deep red hair as my daughter, Jessie.

Mandy 05-18-2008 10:36 AM

What a nice family you have.
I bet you all had so much fun, Jaci's Birthday cake looks gorgeous!

Gina 05-18-2008 12:06 PM

Diana, you have a beautiful family and everyone seemed to have so much fun.. The pictures reflect it.. :)

katcarasella 05-18-2008 08:08 PM

Diana your family is just beautiful, looks like they had a blast.
You're making great memories for them.
Darling pictures.....

DianaB 05-19-2008 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 63969)
Diana!!! I want to come live with you! We never have that kind of fun.

Janet, you just have to look for things to create fun. We've raised our kids to have good clean fun and not to worry about getting dirty. Sometimes we appear a little crazy to other people but that's alright. When the kids were little we often had squirt gun fights in the house. After all what does water hurt? Jaci and Lindsay sprayed Pledge on the bottom of their socks and ran and slid down the hallway a while back. They had a blast!!! Have you ever bought 2-3 cans of Silly String, handed them to the guys and said "Meet me outside in 15 seconds" That's a blast!!!! I love Silly String!!!!


Originally Posted by Gina (Post 64019)
Diana, you have a beautiful family and everyone seemed to have so much fun.. The pictures reflect it.. :)

Thanks so much! We do have a lot of fun and everyone loves to be here because you never know what's going to happen. I think that I have a GREAT family!!!

Judy, I tried to get your post in here too. My husband had a great-grandmother that had auburn hair like Kera's and he has a cousin that has it too. It's so beautiful when the sun shines on it! We were really surprised to have that color show up! Her other grandma has strawberry blonde hair.

teri88 05-19-2008 04:05 PM

That really looks like a fun party! Our family goes wild, too! I remember a couple of years ago the kids were having a squirt gun fight. My husband was standing in the kitchen when one of them ran in and he got squirted by mistake. Did he get mad? Nope, he turned on the kitchen faucet, grabbed the hose that goes to the sink and totally soaked my son! Back when the kids were little he planted grass inthe front yard, and he looked outside and the kids were riding their bikes on the lawn. He said "my grass!" and I told him "we aren't raising grass. We're raising kids" He's come a long way over the years!

donna1990 05-20-2008 11:27 AM

Jaci's Birthday Party

Originally Posted by Janet (Post 63969)
Diana!!! I want to come live with you! We never have that kind of fun.


donna1990 05-20-2008 11:28 AM

Jaci's Birthday Party

Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 63947)
Last night we finally celebrated Jaci's 16th birthday. We had put it off because it was so cool and muddy but this week it warmed up and was pretty nice. Our back yard is just woods with a very small creek that runs through it so we had a hot dog roast with a nice fire down there. My family all came, a nephew, a friend, Jaci's best friend, and Jaci's boyfriend. After we ate, my daughter, Amy, had some games for everyone to play. And then, since it seems like nobody can leave my home without being completely covered in mud or something icky, they had a pie fight with Cool Whip pies!!! Oh well, I guess that everyone will certainly remember this party!!!! Here's some of the pictures!!

1. Jaci with a little charm that says "16" on it.
2. Dae Lynn (Daughter), Kera (Granddaughter), Shayla (Friend)
3. Jaci with her boyfriend, Nate, and best friend, Lindsay
4. Jaci's birthday cake (I cheated and bought it but I did the writing on it!)

I know that you have a wonderful family, you are blessed.
Thanks for sharing the pics.

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