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AngieDoogles 05-27-2008 08:41 AM

Memorial Day hiking
4 Attachment(s)
Brendon and I went hiking with our friends Sarah and Ryan yesterday. It was TONS of fun and we got some really cute pics I wanted to share with you. :)

AngieDoogles 05-27-2008 08:42 AM

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More pics

AngieDoogles 05-27-2008 08:44 AM

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A few more...

AngieDoogles 05-27-2008 08:46 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Last ones...

DianaB 05-27-2008 09:18 AM

It looks like you had a good time! The pictures are really nice!!! I love pictures with nature in the back ground. I think that you've posted pictures before in the corner with the railing, if I recall. The scenery is just beautiful!!! Nice pictures of all of you so it's hard to pick a favorite.....I like them all!!!

Janet 05-27-2008 10:16 AM

Nice pictures Angie. Do you carry around a camera tripod or find someone to take the pictures of all of you? Nice scenery too!

AngieDoogles 05-27-2008 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 64985)
It looks like you had a good time! The pictures are really nice!!! I love pictures with nature in the back ground. I think that you've posted pictures before in the corner with the railing, if I recall. The scenery is just beautiful!!! Nice pictures of all of you so it's hard to pick a favorite.....I like them all!!!

Actually, the place you are thinking of is an overlook in West Virginia. We stop and hike there every time we go to Pittsburgh. It's a gorgeous spot called New River Gorge. This time we were hiking in TN at a national park. Bren and I had never been to this particular place before. I'm sure we'll go again though! :) We are lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

AngieDoogles 05-27-2008 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 64998)
Nice pictures Angie. Do you carry around a camera tripod or find someone to take the pictures of all of you? Nice scenery too!

I always have my tripod in the car just in case we need it for night shots, but we don't carry it with us on hikes and stuff. Too much of a hassle. I just switch to automatic settings (or make sure the manual settings are correct) so that another hiker can take group shots for us. We almost always run into another amateur photographer. This time, we ran into a lady taking macro shots of flowers with a very nice Nikon--she took the group shots on the rocks--and a very nice old man who had an antique camera of some kind--he took the one with the railing in the background.

I wish it hadn't been so foggy. You can't even see a fraction of the detail on the mountains in the background...

judy 05-27-2008 03:20 PM

What a beautiful place to spend the day. It looks like you all had a very nice day,
and the pix are beautiful I kind of like the fog. It's soft.

teri88 05-27-2008 05:12 PM

Oh those are beautiful! TN really is gorgeous, isn't it? My brother always said that's where he would retire. Then his daughter had twin boys and he couldn't bring himself to leave them! But, I can see why he loved it there so much.

Forgivenmom5 05-27-2008 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by teri88 (Post 65042)
Oh those are beautiful! TN really is gorgeous, isn't it? My brother always said that's where he would retire. Then his daughter had twin boys and he couldn't bring himself to leave them! But, I can see why he loved it there so much.

Teri you and your family will have to come visit us and see Maddie in her new home. Maybe Angela and Brendon could take you to this spot and let you see it in person. There are beautiful spots you can see without climbing.

pope1982 05-28-2008 07:29 AM

Great pictures Angie :thumbup:
I am in a sappy mood, so I liked the kissing ones best besides the killer nature views.

AngieDoogles 05-28-2008 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by pope1982 (Post 65097)
Great pictures Angie :thumbup:
I am in a sappy mood, so I liked the kissing ones best besides the killer nature views.

I think I'm always in a sappy mood. :D I really like scenic nature shots too, but I want to go back when I have a wide angle lens. I felt like there was so much more those pics could have shown...

teri88 05-28-2008 03:21 PM

awww Debbie, thank you. It would be awesome to come down sometime but it's not in the cards for right now, unfortunately. Angie, I showed these pics to Megan and she is dying to see TN! Who knows, maybe one of these days we would be able to do it. Now, when are you guys going to come up to NYC? You could sleep in Megan's "Broadway" room to get into the spirit of it all!

Dobie 05-28-2008 05:40 PM

Looks like you had a great time, we spent some time hiking this weekend too.

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