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HALEY 06-18-2008 08:43 AM

WOW slow today.
It's been slow here today!.
well i just start a thread that we can talk about anything we want to :rolleyes:
Nothing exciting here today, just working, there calling for rain again today YUK, it's starting to get black outside, hopefully this blows over so i can go for my walk tonight, cause i got a breakfast sandwich this morning at Wendy's with a large iced coffee now i'm all caffined up.. :D

DianaB 06-18-2008 10:59 AM

I went into town this morning (unusual for me!!) and lifted weights and did some exercises. My daughter works at the middle school and they have a group that meets a couple of times a week to exercise and she invited me to go. I really enjoyed the weights and I think that I'll keep going. There were only 3 of us this morning so if there's not a lot I'll feel more comfortable. Then I went to Alco (kinda' like a very small Wal-mart) and by the grocery store. My pantry has seemed so bare lately and it was certainly time to stock back up. I had to clean a bunch of stuff out of the fridge. YUCK! I swear that I need a housekeeper to keep on top of everything!!!!

Tink 06-18-2008 11:48 AM

I slept in, and got up just before someone came to look at Canada. I ended up re-homing her. I love her, but she's so bent out of shape about Bella having pups and was so overly attached to me that I had to have a babysitter watch her when I couldn't take her with me or she'd destroy the house. It was worse than having a baby 'cause I can't take her everywhere I go so felt like I was grounded to the house by her.

Lucky for me, Katie and Josh had things under control, so they'd taken care of all the dogs, cleaned and refilled their dishes, pools, and pens, had strung the smaller mesh wire inside the empty run (so the pups couldn't squeeze out) and put Bella and her litter outside. While I met with the visitors, they pulled the birthing pool out of my office, and rearranged it to get all their stuff that had been stored in my living room out into the office. It looks MUCH better here now.

I already miss Canada but know she will get a lot more individual attention with her new owner than I could give her. I'm sure she will be happy and settle right in.

Janet 06-18-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 67629)
I went into town this morning (unusual for me!!) and lifted weights and did some exercises. My daughter works at the middle school and they have a group that meets a couple of times a week to exercise and she invited me to go. I really enjoyed the weights and I think that I'll keep going. There were only 3 of us this morning so if there's not a lot I'll feel more comfortable. Then I went to Alco (kinda' like a very small Wal-mart) and by the grocery store. My pantry has seemed so bare lately and it was certainly time to stock back up. I had to clean a bunch of stuff out of the fridge. YUCK! I swear that I need a housekeeper to keep on top of everything!!!!

That is great Diana!! I wished we lived closer so we could lift weights and exercise together. My son has shown me some different weight lifting techniques and I enjoyed them, but I've only done them a couple times. I need to get out and walk or get on the darn treadmill. I don't want to gain back what I lost, but if I don't watch it...that's exactly what's going to happen.

I wish I had someone to help me with the house too. Seems like I just can't get all the things done I want to.

Janet 06-18-2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tink (Post 67644)
I slept in, and got up just before someone came to look at Canada. I ended up re-homing her. I love her, but she's so bent out of shape about Bella having pups and was so overly attached to me that I had to have a babysitter watch her when I couldn't take her with me or she'd destroy the house. It was worse than having a baby 'cause I can't take her everywhere I go so felt like I was grounded to the house by her.

Lucky for me, Katie and Josh had things under control, so they'd taken care of all the dogs, cleaned and refilled their dishes, pools, and pens, had strung the smaller mesh wire inside the empty run (so the pups couldn't squeeze out) and put Bella and her litter outside. While I met with the visitors, they pulled the birthing pool out of my office, and rearranged it to get all their stuff that had been stored in my living room out into the office. It looks MUCH better here now.

I already miss Canada but know she will get a lot more individual attention with her new owner than I could give her. I'm sure she will be happy and settle right in.

I'm sorry you rehomed Canada. I honestly don't think that is something I could ever do. I put too much human emotion on the dogs and I would be afraid they would wonder where I was, or if I was going to come get them. It would just break my heart.

I know breeders have to do that, but it's just not in me to rehome a family member. Now if it was my husband....well....LOLOLOL.

Tink 06-18-2008 05:54 PM

Janet, if I hadn't had a really good feeling about the woman who took her I'd have not been able to let her go. Shortly after she got home with her, she sent me the following email... gives you some idea of the kind of lady she is.


Hello Brenda! Canada traveled so well in the van! Stopped at Fleet Farm & got a choke style collar in nylon and a harness and she is so respectful. She pulled on me a bit when we got here, but not anything more than I could handle at all! What a sweetie! She sat on Sabrina's lap in the passenger seat all the way home and just payed attention to me enough to give a few kisses, then it was back to the lap and watching out the window. Got her a pink bandana which looks FABULOUS! She is checking out the house now and farting like crazy! We'll be headed out to poop soon I think! whew!!!! There, now she's laying by my feet while I type and settled right in. I love her! Gonna tackle a bath tonight...hmmm. Should be interesting...

Thank you so much!

Susan & Canada

She sat right on the ground and let Canada sit in her lap while here. She asked all the right questions and told me her family used to raise Labs when she was growing up. So she's not at all afraid to get down to Canada's level and be her playmate. She watched Canada interact with everyone and made appropriate evaluations as to what was going on, which pups were the alpha ones, and so on.
She knows her dogs and Labs in particular. I felt very at ease with her approach.
Canada seemed to as well.

Doesn't mean it was easy, but I'm convinced it was the right thing to do for us both.

Janet 06-18-2008 06:06 PM

Oh I'm sure it was the right thing or you wouldn't have done it. Please don't think I was judging...I wasn't by any means.

It's just not something I could do. I get attached so easily and the longer they are here, the harder it is to let them go. This last litter was especially hard because they were here till 18 weeks. Much longer than that and I'm afraid they would have been here for life. I need to learn to get past it, but doubt it will ever happen...LOL

Tink 06-18-2008 06:09 PM

Janet, if we ever stop caring it's time to stop breeding.

HALEY 06-19-2008 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 67629)
I went into town this morning (unusual for me!!) and lifted weights and did some exercises. My daughter works at the middle school and they have a group that meets a couple of times a week to exercise and she invited me to go. I really enjoyed the weights and I think that I'll keep going. There were only 3 of us this morning so if there's not a lot I'll feel more comfortable. Then I went to Alco (kinda' like a very small Wal-mart) and by the grocery store. My pantry has seemed so bare lately and it was certainly time to stock back up. I had to clean a bunch of stuff out of the fridge. YUCK! I swear that I need a housekeeper to keep on top of everything!!!!

Diane, i'm proud of you girl, that's a start, so glad you enjoyed the exercise, keep it up girl, its so nice when you have a group that goes with you...:cheer::cheer::hug:

DianaB 06-19-2008 08:22 AM

Thanks everyone for your encouragement! I have lost a few pounds lately and I'm hoping to keep it up. My daughter and her husband are dieting so I know that I'll get some encouragement from them. That will help me.

I'm not real sore today from the weights. I don't think that I worked quite hard enough but I was just learning the routine yesterday. Friday will probably be more of a workout.

Tink, I didn't know that you had a problem with Canada being so clingy. That would be hard to have all the time so I understand why you rehomed her. We'll miss hearing about her. She was a good dog and a beautiful lab. I'll miss you, Canada!

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