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Gina 06-25-2008 08:32 AM

I had my yearly physical on Monday, and my white blood count came back a little low. So the dr. has run some further blood tests on me.. The office called a little while ago and left me a vm. Saying that I have a low iron deficiency , and am anemic. They told me to take a certain vitamin, they are out to lunch now so I will call back later.. I am nervous because the dr. keeps stressing to have a colonoscopy test done. Now I am really scared.. I will make an appt. and get it over with. I don't know if they are just reminding me to go because of my age or to make sure that I am not bleeding from there..

I have been really tired lately sleeping a lot and this is not me. I don't have the energy to just get up and go and I do suffer light headness which is one of the signs of amenia.. I have not been eating right since I had the loaded implants I wonder if that has anything to do with it.. I am going to eat more green veggies with iron...

Has anyone at any time had anemia ? If so how long did it take to feel better?

Mandy 06-25-2008 08:40 AM

Gina, i am sorry you are having to go through this, it's awful.
Yes i have had it, some days seem worse then others huh.
When i had it, the Dr. gave me vitamins, they looked like "bombs" LOL - but were good, an old lady told me to eat lots, and lots of tomatoes.

I hope they get you sorted out soon, good luck, and please keep us posted.

HALEY 06-25-2008 09:21 AM

Gina, i'm enemic.
I take a multivitamin everyday and watch what i eat.
I'm always tired too, but again i live on iced coffee and about 6 cups of coffee a day, not good, but i have to do what i need to do to get thru a work day..
The only time i really have any problems is when i don't eat i get very light headed. I always eat fruit and veggies everyday just love them... But i don't eat three meals a day. That's my problem.
I haven't been back to the doctor's since i had Micah. So i don't know if i got better since the pregnancy or not, i know they watched me more when i was pregnant because if was enemic..

Gina 06-25-2008 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mandy (Post 68356)
Gina, i am sorry you are having to go through this, it's awful.
Yes i have had it, some days seem worse then others huh.
When i had it, the Dr. gave me vitamins, they looked like "bombs" LOL - but were good, an old lady told me to eat lots, and lots of tomatoes.

I hope they get you sorted out soon, good luck, and please keep us posted.

Mandy I love tomatoes too.. but with this outbreak of salmonella going on in our area. There are certain ones like Roma tomatoes and others to stay away from.. I am afraid to eat any of them now. I wish I home grew them...

Haley, as far as coffee I drink about 3-4 cups a day to give me the boost if not like you I get real tired. They say that coffee is not good for when you are iron deficient . Who knows..

Thanks for your imput...

HALEY 06-25-2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Gina (Post 68362)
Mandy I love tomatoes too.. but with this outbreak of salmonella going on in our area. There are certain ones like Roma tomatoes and others to stay away from.. I am afraid to eat any of them now. I wish I home grew them...

Haley, as far as coffee I drink about 3-4 cups a day to give me the boost if not like you I get real tired. They say that coffee is not good for when you are iron deficient . Who knows..

Thanks for your imput...

Also Gina, over the counter pre-nat. vit. have more iron in them too, i take those once in a while, when i don't feel good..

judy 06-25-2008 10:48 AM


Here's a good website to get some info from.


It seems to be the most common type of anemia. You do have to go for a colonoscopy to rule out ulcers, colon problems, etc. as a possible cause. I think you have a very good doctor to send you for that. Most likely it will come back negative, but a good doctor will send you for the test. There are also certain foods you can eat, take the supplement and you'll have to have your blood test for a while.

I'm sorry you don't feel well. I had anemia as a child because I wouldn't eat.
I don't think it lasted long.

Gina 06-25-2008 02:08 PM

Thanks Judy, I read the article.. I went out and brough my iron supplements , the dr. wants me to take it with vitamin C. I guess the supplements deplete the body of C. who knows! I will get my nerve up and go for the colonoscopy it may take me a mt or two. I have to phycic myself up..lol

Btw I was anemic as a child too I really don't remember much but getting B12 shots. I was a skinny thing. But that passed...

teri88 06-25-2008 05:04 PM

Gina, don't worry....there are many innocent causes of anemia. But, it's still a good idea to have the colonsocopy. If you don't already have a Dr to do that, I have an excellent GI in East Brunswick, if that's close for you. He has taken care of my mom, my 2 sisters and me for many years. I love him! Let me know if you want his name.

DianaB 06-25-2008 07:49 PM

Gina, sometimes a vitamin will work better with another vitamin, otherwise your body might not absorb it well.

I've never been amenic but I like spinach and we have it frequently. It has a lot of iron in it. Get some fresh and put it in a salad. I like the canned spinach heated up with a little bit of vinegar in it! Put a little spinach on your sandwich, like lettuce. Here's some other vegetables that might help you. Also, red meat and beef liver is good for iron.


Janet 06-26-2008 04:01 AM

Gina, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. It does sound like you have a very good Dr. to want to rule things out with tests...that's a good thing. I don't know much about anemia except for my mother and we just don't know what is causing hers yet.

Gina 06-26-2008 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by teri88 (Post 68389)
Gina, don't worry....there are many innocent causes of anemia. But, it's still a good idea to have the colonsocopy. If you don't already have a Dr to do that, I have an excellent GI in East Brunswick, if that's close for you. He has taken care of my mom, my 2 sisters and me for many years. I love him! Let me know if you want his name.

Teri thanks I may pm you when I am ready, Diana thanks for that article...Janet thanks for the well wishes.. I will not think about it and just push myself.. God I am always tired lately.. lol

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