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Marilyn 07-18-2008 10:16 AM

So That's the Problem!!!!!
You all know that I've been complaining about the rates we are paying for electricity, over $0.20/KWH in some places. It just did not seem right since we have so much natural gas and West Texas is full of wind turbines. There is an article in today's paper that sheds some light on the subject (no pun intended).

Texas is the national leader in wind power, generating 5,000 megawatts from about 4,000 wind turbines. There are another 1,200 megawatts on the drawing boards, and I've told you we see components on 18 wheelers traveling the highways almost daily. Turns out the problem is lack of transmission lines. The Public Utilities Commission is planning to build $4.9 billion in transmission lines to carry the electricity from West Texas to the major metropolitan areas. The article says, "Texans pay some of the highest electric rates in the country, in part because of congested transmission lines....Texas current transmission lines are a 'two lane dirt road' compared to the 'renewable energy superhighway' the plan would build." Construction will take 3 to 5 years and will add $3 to $4 to electric bills, however, the lower cost energy will offset the cost of the transmission lines.

I wonder though since we are not in a "major metropolitan area" will we benefit at all from the new lines??

They say that by the time the transmission lines are in place, Texas will have more wind generating capacity than all the other states combined. One dessenter on the PUC is arguing that the plan may add too much power for the electric grid to handle, and could delay the construction of nuclear power plants. My thinking is that when supply goes up, prices come down, do ya reckin'??? I'm not sure I care where it comes from at this point. Wind sounds good and clean to me!!

AngieDoogles 07-18-2008 01:39 PM

Marilyn, I hope those new lines help! Hopefully, we'll have other energy sources sometime in the semi-near future anyway...

HALEY 07-21-2008 06:56 AM

I just hope this year we all get a break from high utility bills, i just don't know how some of our seniors survive the winters here in pa on a fixed income, i feel so bad for them, you hear of house fires all the time in the winter, the poor people probably try and use electric heaters to keep warm, instead of there gas and some do catch there houses on fire. so sad !!!

DianaB 07-21-2008 10:20 AM

I think that wind energy makes perfect sense and I'm glad to hear that there's more wind farms being built. I hope that you eventually get a break on your utilities. I hate paying for high utilities.

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