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Tink 09-04-2008 07:42 AM

My new grandbaby is going to be a...
He's due Jan 26, and will be the first boy to balance out my 3 grand daughters.
Joel's thrilled and has been excited since seeing the Ultra Sound. Shannon had been convinced it was a girl, so is in shock. lol

She asked me yesterday if I will be in the delivery room with her, so I will get to meet the new little guy right away!

Passionfruition 09-04-2008 08:34 AM

That's exciting, congrats!

HALEY 09-04-2008 08:52 AM

aww Tink congrats, i also thought i was having a girl, had the name picked out and everything, and it turned out to be a wonderful baby boy !!!!

Janet 09-04-2008 01:25 PM

Congratulations my friend!!! How wonderful to get a new baby boy in the family!! Have they told you any names they are considering yet? Man...I can't believe we have to wait until January....bummer! I know....good things come to those who wait. You'll have to keeps us updated on how she's doing with her pregnancy like you did with the last grandbaby.

Congrats again Tink!!

Tink 09-04-2008 02:52 PM

Thanks ladies, we're all excited. They're leaning toward Devan for his name... still working on a middle name. I got to watch the DVD of the Ultrasound last night. He's a real wiggler and likes to suck his thumb already.

gja1000 09-04-2008 03:47 PM

How wonderful!!! I know you are excited.

Gina 09-04-2008 04:46 PM

Congratulations! You will be one busy grandma with these babies. :)

Janet 09-04-2008 05:17 PM

What an exciting time for you all Tink. I bet it was awesome seeing him sucking his thumb. I like the name Devan, I'm sure they'll find a suitable middle name. I guess the new thing is no middle name...but what are you going to call them when you're upset????....LOL..I always heard my Mom yell....Janet Darlene!!!

DianaB 09-07-2008 03:16 PM

Congratulations on your first little grandson, Tink!!!! After 4 little granddaughters we finally got a grandson and they are so much fun to have! Now we go to t-ball games and buy Spiderman stuff!!! It's a whole different ballgame than you have with girls. I'm sure that his father is very excited! I'm looking forward to pictures when he gets here and hearing all about him!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

Dobie 09-10-2008 12:24 PM

What exciting news! You must be thrilled that you're going to be in the delivery room!

judy 09-12-2008 04:33 PM

Congratulations Tink! Devan is a beautiful name. How wonderful that you'll be there to watch him come into the world!

You are surrounded by good things this year!

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