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Road to Recovery from Ike
This is a report - NOT A COMPLAINT. There have been lives lost. There are people who have no home and no money. I'm staying fairly positive and only get depressed that I can't help Hubby cleaning.
We don't have electricity, but have a 10K generator that costs us $40/night to run. We have water from 6p to 9p. Hubby had to get a new chainsaw, so I got a small window air conditioner for our bedroom. The first few nights were cool (60s), but it's getting warmer. My doggies seem to be doing OK, but are in a constant panic from all the loud noises (generators, chain saws) and quietness/darkness of the house. I have two that need to go to the vet for their yearly, but she hasn't reopened. That's no biggey! We have food in three different people's freezers. My oldest daughter (has power) took our dirty clothes and washed them for us. My son's family got power on Friday. Two youngest daughters still have no power. Lots of gas stations are still down, but finding gas is getting better. My house stinks! I had not watched TV in 9 days. We found an antenna for the TV in our bedroom and actually watched TV last night. I had started enjoying listening to the radio talk shows. Lots of traffic lights are still out, so the roads get very backed up. Of course, we have no internet or cable, so I can only get on 4WT at work. I MISS INTERNET. I love my Blackberry, but I'm not patient enough to log in on it and cell usage is still hit and miss. I do have pictures of our tree damage. I brought my camera to work, but forgot the cord. I haven't had a margarita in a couple of weeks. If each of you have one for me, that would almost catch me up! |
I am so sorry, my Mom, Sisters and Brother got all of their power back on. Hopefully yours will be soon too.
I don't know if you have ever seen Gary Smally. But I call times like what you are going through Gary Smally moments. Years from now, you will sit around the table with family and have some laughs about it. But, not now. I will keep you in my prayers. |
I know about having the water and electricity off. We had that when we had the flood here last summer. We didn't have a generator just oil lamps in the evening. Thank goodness our electricity was only off two or three days. Our water was off for some time and when it did come on we were very limited on what we could use because our water plant was damaged (it's still being worked on). I'm glad that you and your family are all safe and sound. Like Michelle said one day you'll have some great stories to tell.
Sandy I could only imagine what your going through. I am sorry this is happening, thank God your family is safe and sound.. Stay strong. I will keep you in my prayers...
This is for you my friend :cheers: |
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all of this. It must be so difficult. The pictures of Galveston and other areas are just heart breaking!
Sandy, so glad you are safe and being taken care of. Hopefully your power will be on again, soon. We haven't been to Houston since the hospital fiasco, and don't know when we will need to go there. I'm sure parts will look different.
We heard that some of the schools reopened yesterday, but not all of them. We certainly did not wish the storm to move north, south to King Ranch or a very lowly populated area was our prayer, but looking at what happened in your area, we are thankful that it did not hit here. We still have refugees in our area waiting to hear they have power before returning home. Take care and keep us posted on progress. |
STILL NOT COMPLAINING - JUST UPDATING - No power and the mosquitos are so bad you can't sit outside. Hubby saturates himself in Off to work on cutting the trees up. TV's new season is starting and we're missing a few of our favorites. We did get to watch Dancing and Boston Legal last night. I brought my camera cord, so I'll post pictures shortly. Coming to work is actually a relief!!!!
After what you've been through and still going through, I would never think you are complaining. I hope they get your power back on soon. Have they given you any idea when that might be? Maybe someone can record the shows for you that you're missing.
YAY....you've made it this long....two more nights will be a piece of cake. Can't wait to read the excited post from you saying "LIGHTS ON" :D
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Here's an attempt at some of our pictures! Hopefully they'll come out backyard before, backyard after, big oak down, and little oak down.
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These should be the tree on the garden, front yard before (Fall 2006) and front yard after.
SAndy, so sad that you lost so many trees!!!
I was in Corpus Christi today and they have 10 tons of debris a day floating up on Corpus Christi Beach. The debris is people's lives, toys, clothes, boards, all sorts of things. Someone found a 3 wheeler off Matagorda Island. It's supposed to be the same a Port O'Connor. No bodies yet, but lots of stuff. So sad!! |
Thank goodness none of the trees came down on the house. That would have been a real mess with all of the rain. Besides losing a few trees it looks like you'll be in good shape soon. Thanks for the update!
12 nights without electricity and running water - I am drained!
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