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judy 10-02-2008 07:58 AM

Annie Leigh
4 Attachment(s)
Sweetie Pie is one week short of 5 months. She's training nicely, and has been to the groomer. I took Max and the groomer suggested that we just get her used to it. She got her little bangs trimmed and a few nails cut. She didn't bite Wendy so that was good.

She gets right up on my pillow waiting for me when I go up to bed. We snuggle, and Max lays on the bottom of the bed so I can rub him with my feet.

judy 10-02-2008 08:05 AM

4 Attachment(s)
More Annie pix.

Tiramisu 10-02-2008 08:07 AM

Yes, Sweetie Pie suits her. Libbee and Sweetee, sisters that I got from my Sister will be 5 months on the 14th.

judy 10-02-2008 08:12 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Some more of my baby girl

#2 is Max
#3 she was not having any of it with her bow and scarf on
#4 she just woke up, the little cutie

judy 10-02-2008 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 78473)
Yes, Sweetie Pie suits her. Libbee and Sweetee, sisters that I got from my Sister will be 5 months on the 14th.

Do you have pictures? Did you get your electricity on yet?

Tiramisu 10-02-2008 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 78477)
Do you have pictures? Did you get your electricity on yet?

I have pictures, but haven't been able to download them since I still don't have power at home! That will be one of my many weekend chores.

Gina 10-02-2008 09:56 AM

She is beautiful Judy.. what a face... :)

Lindsey 10-02-2008 11:19 AM

She is soooo adorable!!!

Nina 10-02-2008 01:22 PM

Oh, she is beautiful! Max is quite handsome too! I have two male yorkies, and I don't know what I'd do without them!:)

gja1000 10-02-2008 01:35 PM

She is just gorgeous! What a sweet sweet face she has. :)

Janet 10-02-2008 01:41 PM

Judy how great you posted the pictures.....finally...lol!!! She is gorgeous!!! Sure wish I could pick her up and love on her some. And Max....well just look at the little man...so cute.

I did want to tell you that I saw the video you posted on the other site. It was really very nice.

pope1982 10-02-2008 11:00 PM

This thread delivers! What a little stunner.

Marilyn 10-03-2008 03:39 AM

Judy, she's a sweetie, and so is Max.

judy 10-03-2008 05:49 AM

At night, I stretch out on my couch and watch TV. Max and Annie hang out with me, usually with Annie on my head, or close. Last night I didn't see her. I called her name, and the little Princess had been upstairs, more than likely sleeping on "her pillow in my bed.

My baby is growing up too fast!

DianaB 10-08-2008 04:26 PM

Annie is such a cutie, Judy!!!! I just love the pictures that you posted! I can tell that you're having so much fun with her!!!

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