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gja1000 10-12-2008 03:49 PM

I did have a great weekend.....
4 Attachment(s)
how about you?

I took my 12 year old granddaughter shopping on Saturday - we were bargain shopping and we got 4 tops, a sweater, a dress, and 4 pairs of shoes for $112 - pretty good, don't you think!!!

My football team, the Texas Longhorns, beat their arch rival, the Oklahoma Sooners and that is always a fun time when Texas wins.

We saw my daughter and her family a couple of times over the weekend and that is always a pleasure.

Hubby and I ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel today and that is always good.

I went to a jewelry show at a friends house - I'm posting some pix of what I bought! We had so much fun. She is friends with a lady who makes all this jewelry - it was absolutely gorgeous - I had to restrain myself to not by LOTS MORE!

The color is not very good in the pictures....

1. a 54 inch turquoise necklace that can be worn as a double strand or a triple choker
2. an 18 inch necklace with a turquoise strand, a brown pearl strand and a red carnelian strand
3. a green peridot 18 inch strand
4. two bracelets, one turquoise and one some green/brown stone

gja1000 10-12-2008 03:53 PM

3 Attachment(s)
A couple more jewelry pics and a pic of my 2 year old granddaughter riding the four wheeler (very slowly) with her daddy.

1. a pair of turquoise earrings - sorry the pic is blurry!
2. the strand with turquoise, brown pearls, and carnelian also had a green stone enhancer which can come off
3. My cutie granddaughter with her handsome daddy!

gja1000 10-12-2008 03:56 PM

So, tell me about your weekend!!! :)

DianaB 10-12-2008 04:56 PM

Oh gosh, my whole week has felt like a blur!!!! Jaci had a volleyball game here in town on Thursday and they won both games!!! Yay!! Friday I tried to get the house straightened but didn't get it done. (I have to admit that it really is needing some desperate attention!!!) I thought that I'd finish it on Saturday but I ended up going to garage sales (and got some good buys!!). I took my daughter's boyfriend's daughter, Karlie (2 1/2 yrs) with me to the garage sales! She was a lot of fun! After we got home Dae Lynn came out to the house to get her and we had a long visit.

In the meantime, we had the Chi Alpha college church group here for a hot dog roast and a hay ride, but they come and stay all day. They had around 40 kids in all and I missed the games because of my visit with Dae Lynn. They do some of the coolest games and we just love to watch them! After Dae Lynn left then one of them brought in her baby to take a nap and when she woke up I watched her. She was a year old and just a little doll. I was really disappointed that I didn't get to spend more time with the group but, oh well. We had international students from Kenya and, I think, Singapore, and some other places. Glen took them out and they got to drive the tractor. They were so impressed!!! They had a pumpkin carving contest and, I guess they left all of them here. I need to go and gather them up!!

Today, after church and eating out, we came home and Dae Lynn and Damon came out and fished in the pond. I ended up watching Karlie again but she slept the whole time. I was glad because, even though I love kids I feel a little tired of them and my back is so sore from picking her up!!! I'm so ready for things to slow down a little!!!! Oh and tonight we had a Missions banquet at church! Always something going on!!!

gja1000 10-12-2008 05:11 PM

WOW Diana - you really DID have a busy busy weekend - but it sounds like fun!!! I like busy active weekends like that, unless of course, I've had a particularly hectic week at school - then sometimes I just like to sit and vegitate!

Janet 10-12-2008 05:20 PM

Let's see, what did I do. Friday evening I started laundry. Saturday I took the puppies to have their tails and dew claws done, I did laundry, paid bills, cleaned the kitchen. Emilee kept me busy always wanting out or to eat. Today I played computer games, swept the floor, went to my Mom's to help her clean up from the break-in and now I'm here. Tomorrow is going to be a bit busy too, with running my own errands and then helping Mom make some phone calls concerning the break-in.

gja1000 10-12-2008 06:12 PM

Janet, do the puppies seem to have pain after having their tails docked and dew claws removed? I'm not talking about just when it is done, but later in the day or days? I've never been around tiny little ones that had those things done. Just wondering.

Tiramisu 10-14-2008 06:59 AM

I laid around, watched TV on our only working set which happened to be in the bedroom, enjoyed my foot not being swollen, did some laundry, watched hubby cutting trees and burning tree tops. It was boring, but relaxing.

DianaB 10-15-2008 07:08 AM

I have another big weekend coming up. I'll have to tell everyone about it later when I have some pictures to share! Always busy!!!

gja1000 10-15-2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 79410)
I have another big weekend coming up. I'll have to tell everyone about it later when I have some pictures to share! Always busy!!!

Looking forward to hearing all about it Janet!!! And seeing the pictures. My weekend will be pretty quiet as Gary (hubby) will have to stay at home a few days after these heart tests. I'll probably even have to do some cooking (horrors!;))

DianaB 10-15-2008 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 79444)
Looking forward to hearing all about it Janet!!! And seeing the pictures. My weekend will be pretty quiet as Gary (hubby) will have to stay at home a few days after these heart tests. I'll probably even have to do some cooking (horrors!;))

I'm Diana!!!!!

gja1000 10-15-2008 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 79445)
I'm Diana!!!!!

OF COURSE YOU ARE!!! LOL LOL LOL I must be breathing in too many anesthetic fumes sitting here in the waiting room!!!! Or perhaps my CRS is acting up!!! What is WRONG with me! LOL :D

DianaB 10-15-2008 04:55 PM


Marilyn 10-16-2008 03:33 AM

Y'all are a mess!!! LOL

Friday is hubby's birthday, so oldest daughter, Karen is coming down from San Antonio for the day Saturday. She can't stay longer because she has three big exams next week and has study groups meeting on Friday evening and Sunday afternoon. Melissa and her hubby are coming down from Austin on Saturday after she gets off work at the bank. Not sure how long they are staying. I'm hoping they will be here for Sunday worship. Hubby has been appointed a deacon and the elders will be making the announcement Sunday morning.

I have a golf tournament on Friday, so I've told hubby even though it's his birthday, he may have to help me do some cleaning before everyone gets here. I have the mail sorted all over the dining table right now, and the floors need some attention.

Any weekend is good when our girls come around!!

HALEY 10-16-2008 06:56 AM

last weekend was so nice here in pa, had Micah outside almost everyday playing and riding his little quad.
tonight we have to take him to the doctors for more shots, i hate all these shots but they say he needs them, then were going out to eat, then i took Friday off cause Micah always gets sick after his shots and i can't bear to put him in daycare while he isn't feeling good, so were going to have a mommy and micah day..

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