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HALEY 10-21-2008 09:05 AM

This made my day
1 Attachment(s)
Was having a bad day, trying to figure out my bills this month without my OT, and my daycare sent me such a cute picture of Micah and Emma hugging, this just made my day... just wanted to share it with you guys...

2tiredmom 10-21-2008 10:16 AM

AWWWWWWWWW. How sweet and adorable. They remind me of when my oldest daughter 24 and son 21 when they were that age. How sweet. Enjoy them while you can. One day they grow up and know it all. LOL.

Dobie 10-21-2008 12:06 PM

That is a very sweet pic!

Nina 10-21-2008 01:32 PM

awwww that's so sweet! I just love kids!

gja1000 10-21-2008 03:16 PM

What an adorable picture!!! :) Makes me just want to squeeze 'em!!! :D

HALEY 10-22-2008 03:00 AM

i am so happy that i found this daycare, very small only a couple of kids, Micah is learning so much from the older kids....

Marilyn 10-22-2008 03:54 AM

How sweet!!! Thank you for sharing and so glad you have a good place for Micah to stay!! Really gives you peace of mind.

HALEY 10-22-2008 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Marilyn (Post 79826)
How sweet!!! Thank you for sharing and so glad you have a good place for Micah to stay!! Really gives you peace of mind.

Yes it does Marilyn, i can text her anytime and ask how he is doing, just makes my day...
Now that my ot is cut, i can spend more time with him... i guess there is one good thing about my ot being cut...

Janet 10-22-2008 05:56 AM

That is such a cute picture of the two of them Haley. It's nice that she sent it to you.


i guess there is one good thing about my ot being cut...
See, now that's the way to look at it...there's always a silver lining somewhere.

HALEY 10-22-2008 06:00 AM

Your right Janet, one door shuts, and a window opens...
we have fun everynight, my sister just sent me tons of old books she had from her kids, i must read him about 4-10 books a night, and were still only 1/2 way thru the books my sister sent, and cute flash cards, so im making the best out of this... he got this one pop up truck book he just loves it... takes it everywhere with him....

judy 10-22-2008 08:19 AM

It is so good that you found the positive in this! Enjoy every minute with that precious boy.

That is an adorable picture. It looks like his day care teacher really cares about the kids.

DianaB 10-22-2008 08:33 AM

What an adorable picture!!! It sounds like you have Micah in a really good daycare.

HALEY 10-22-2008 08:33 AM

Judy, she is so nice, its a small daycare so Micah gets tons of attention, i didn't care for the other ones to many kids, he would be lost.. he is use to lots of attention.
I just hope i don't get laid off and lose her, i don't think she will hold my spot for me..

HALEY 10-22-2008 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 79876)
What an adorable picture!!! It sounds like you have Micah in a really good daycare.

it is nice Diana, he just learned how to play ring around the rosey, he does it now until he gets dizzy and laughes his head off... its so cute... she is very good to him.. i can't complain.

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