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AngieDoogles 12-30-2008 07:33 AM

Best of 2008
With it being so close to New Year's, I thought it would be fun to list are best memories and biggest changes.

I turned 22, celebrated my 4th anniversary, adopted two kittens, won a laptop, became actively involved in politics for the first time in my life, met new people who became really good friends, watched my mom win her battle with cancer, visited Chicago, met two online friends for the first time, finished my last undergraduate classes, and applied to grad school.

It's been a fun and exciting year, but 2009 should be even better! :)

judy 12-30-2008 09:20 AM

Good thread Angie!

Jessie, Steve and I reconciled, and she feels good (that's the best one of all!)

I bought my own house.

I live in the country, which I always wanted. I also live on top of a mountain in a part of upstate New York that is so beautiful, it takes my breath away.

I see my family at least once or twice a week. They live about 20 minutes away.

I lost Gracie Leigh.

I got tiny Annie.

I redid my house just the way I like it, and somehow got the money to do it.

I just restarted my relationships with 2 of my cousins, who I love so much. I have also gotten closer with my other cousin, who I also love so much. My Aunt and I are still close.

I will have a wonderful man to share my life with in 2009.

I am extremely happy.

DianaB 12-30-2008 10:05 AM

I turned 51 this year (and am almost 52) and I celebrated my 34th anniversary. Highlights of my year were my trip to Chicago where I met Angie and Kat, my trip to Indiana to meet Janet, a vacation on Tablerock Lake with family, and a few days in Branson. I also got to meet Karen Kingsbury, my favorite author, in Branson in the spring. It sure looks like I spent a lot of time traveling!! I also had a trip or two to visit my aunt in Oklahoma, another trip to Branson with our church women's group, and a trip to Nebraska to look for a corn head for my husband's combine.

My daughter, Jaci, started dating Nate before school was out last year and they're still dating. He's a really nice boy and I have a feeling that he's going to be around for a LONG time. He's so polite!! They both have a lot in common since they both have farm backgrounds.

My daughter, Dae Lynn, started dating Damon about the same time as Jaci and Nate started dating. The end of October they went to Las Vegas and got married. I know that all of you know what's been going on with all of that. Things are good right now but we know that he still has problems. The highlight of all of this is Karlie!!! She's a sweetheart!! She is Damon's 2 1/2 year old daughter.

We spent a lot of time still recouperating from the flood we had last year. We actually had two floods this year and they still damaged crops and stuff they weren't anything like the flood of 2007. Farmers are always optomists........Next year will be better!!! If they didn't feel that way they wouldn't plant anything!!!

We also lost my husband's dad, Frank, this year. He was one of the dearest people I knew and it's been a big loss to my husband's family and our community because Frank was so well known and liked. He's really been missed.

That's all that I can think of for now. I may add some more later.

Marilyn 12-30-2008 11:02 AM

Wonderful thread!!! Judy, tell us more about this new man in your life!!

The biggest thing that happened in our world in 2008 is that Melissa married Garrett in June. He's a wonderful Christian young man. They both have a lot of growing up to do, but with their strong families to back them up, and encourage them, they should do well together.

Karen moved to San Antonio and finally decided what she wants to major in & is working the plan, so that's a very positive thing. She and her roommate, a very nice Christian young lady, are getting along very well, and are busy with school and social activities. Both have remained faithful to the church which is rare with single 20 somethings these days. For this we are very thankful!!!

My little branch at work had it's best year ever, so our income was up even though hubby's building business was not as active as usual due to the downturn in the economy. He did sign contracts to build two houses last week, and should be signing another this week, so the year is ending on a very positive note for him, and us also. My business should not be so good for 2009, but we are still hopeful that maybe it won't be as bad as they are predicting.

I turned 54, and hubby and I celebrated our 35th wedding aniversary this year. He's still my best friend in the whole wide world, so we're doing well. We've both grown spiritually this year, and are dreaming of retirement when we can do more of the things we enjoy doing together.

Hubby had some health issues but the conclusion is very positive, so all is well in our world.

AngieDoogles 12-30-2008 11:47 AM

Judy, I'm so sorry about Gracie. I know she can never be replaced, but I hope Annie is helping to heal the pain. *hugs*

I'm glad to hear that overall everyone is happy. :)

Lindsey 01-03-2009 11:30 AM

In 2008 I....

Turned 24

Got THISCLOSE to moving to the beautiful mountains of BC

Travelled to Mexico and New York City, and realized that this is HOME. And I think that maybe my wanting to move before was more about getting away from other problems in my life....

Got asked to be my best friend's maid of honor and made a couple of long long drives to see her! (and it's not over yet!)

Became the head of my department at work

Started regularly going to the gym

Took control of my life and finally got the courage to leave Kyle

Started seeing a very sweet and funny guy who makes me smile all day long :)

Lyn 01-03-2009 12:49 PM

Highlights in 2008:

We got Jake (cutest male Yorkie ever!;))for a companion to Willow our little 1 1/2 yr. old female Yorkie. But the biggest and best Highlight:
We moved into our first home together!!

judy 01-09-2009 01:04 PM

"Wonderful thread!!! Judy, tell us more about this new man in your life!!"

Not yet Marillyn. The operative word is will have a wonderful man.

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