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Tiramisu 01-14-2009 08:54 AM

Another "What to do?"
One of my guys (Jamie) finished up the project he was on in my group and transferred out to start up another project. He asked me to transfer to his project last week.

I talked to my first supervisor (Rudy) and he's not wanting to let me go. He told me this morning that he put in a promotion request to get me more money. I told him that I really do want to transfer ..

got work - will continue shortly

Tiramisu 01-14-2009 09:52 AM


Rudy told me that one of the other girls (Cheryl) is transferring to another group and they're thinking about having me cover her group. Gee, I'd have 3 more guys!

Do, I go to Rudy's boss, our VP, or just keep sitting here?! This is the 6th time I've asked to transfer (in 5 years) and they never let me go. I WANT TO TRANSFER.

Janet 01-14-2009 12:09 PM

Wow Sandy, if you're sure you want to transfer, then I'd do whatever it took to transfer. Do you know why they turned down your request so many times before?

Tiramisu 01-14-2009 01:51 PM

Plain and simple: I do a good job. I don't rock anybody's boat. I keep to myself. I'm a team player. I give them my best. I take care of my people. I'm dependable. I'm pleasant and even fun!

The decision has always come back: "You're too valuable to let go." It's a matter of them being selfish to keep be over letting me do what I want.

That's tooting my own horn, but it's the only way I can say it.

DianaB 01-14-2009 04:39 PM

Maybe you need to talk it over a little more seriously with them and let them know that this is really what you'd like to do. It's a compliment that they want to keep you.

Janet 01-14-2009 05:12 PM

Also, if you really wouldn't mind staying....then tell them they'll need to show how much they want you to stay....lol.

Tiramisu 01-15-2009 07:56 AM

I have a "don't care" attitude today. I'll just sit here and play on the net, as long as they keep paying me.

I GET 17 DAYS VACATION + 5 sick days + 8 holidays this year.

Marilyn 01-18-2009 05:34 AM

Sandy, you need to do what's best for you, and if transferring will make your work more pleasant, you need to have a serious talk with Rudy and let him know that you appreciate his confidence in you and his recognition of your value, but you need a change and want very badly to transfer. And as Janet suggested, if he persists in saying your too valuable to let go then ask him to show you how valuable you are. "Show me the money", dude!!

You never know until you ask. That's how I got more money, and it's worked out nicely for us.

So hope all goes well and works out for you!!

Marilyn 01-18-2009 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 86343)
I GET 17 DAYS VACATION + 5 sick days + 8 holidays this year.

By the way, your vacation benefits are awesome!!!! Of this I'm envious!!! We did have equal or better than you until the cut us back. :mad:

judy 01-18-2009 06:35 PM

What kind of work do you do Sandy? If you don't mind sharing, that is. I agree with Diana. Have a really serious, assertive talk with Rudy. He doesn't own you.

Tiramisu 01-19-2009 05:52 AM

Judy, I've been a "secretary" for over 38 years. That's all I've ever done. Right now my title is "Staff Office Assistant". I'm Admin to the Project Manager who reports directly to a Vice President. I also cover for the VP's Admin, when she's out.

Marilyn, I'm actually at the top of my pay class. In taking over the other group, I've been told that I'll get moved to a higher class, so that'll mean more money. I do plan to ask for a company paid blackberry.

I've pretty much decided to just go with the flow and hopefully get to retire in a couple years!

2tiredmom 01-19-2009 09:20 AM

Gosh. I wish I knew what to tell you. I hope it all works out and they start listening. Your in my thoughts and prayers.:)

judy 01-19-2009 09:24 AM

Sounds like a plan. I think enjoying work is essential. When you figure that you spend 8 hours at work, plus traveling time, it has to be something you love doing, whatever your reason is.

I was a secretary years ago, and enjoyed it. It can be very satisfying and sometimes a lot of fun. I liked the camaraderie (sp?) in an office.

It sounds like you are very appreciated there, and that you do an exceptional job.
I would think about staying too, especially if you're a "don't rock the boat" kind off person.

I hope you get that Blackberry.

guekSeaB73 11-10-2009 02:59 PM

Another "What to do "
I think you should wait until you get your clearance, then ask your boss if you can be moved to another unit. Just tell your boss the truth that you mentioned above.

judy 11-12-2009 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by guekSeaB73 (Post 102347)
I think you should wait until you get your clearance, then ask your boss if you can be moved to another unit. Just tell your boss the truth that you mentioned above.

Get off of our site and go play with your
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