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DianaB 03-02-2009 08:31 AM

The Hitchhiker.....
1 Attachment(s)
A lady was telling her neighbor that she saw a man driving a pick-up truck down the interstate, and a dog was hanging onto the tail gate for dear life!

She said if the pick-up truck driver hadn't been going so fast in the other direction, she would have tried to stop him. A few weeks later, her neighbor saw this truck at the Bass Pro Shop

The pick-up truck driver is a local taxidermist with a great sense of humor! And it is not a dog it is a coyote.

Can you imagine how many people try and stop this guy?????

Janet 03-02-2009 11:18 AM

I would have loved seeing these people on video...wondering what the heck....LOLOL

Tiramisu 03-02-2009 11:41 AM

Have you seen the show "What Would You Do", with John Quiones? Somebody should send that to them.

Blueyes 03-02-2009 05:39 PM

That's funny! It almost seems like it would be illegal...and dangerous :confused:

judy 03-03-2009 04:26 PM

I don't like it. If I had seen that and not known it was a taxidermed coyote, I would have been upset for days.

Can you get his name, Diana? He needs to be told he's an idiot. (Just like that judge and those HUSE (??) people who don't want us to have pets anymore).

DianaB 03-04-2009 07:36 AM

I don't know who it was I just got that article in an e-mail. I'm sure that a lot of people were upset and probably followed him to tell him about the hitch hiker.

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