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Janet 03-08-2009 03:56 PM

So Windy Here!!!!
It has been so windy here today and then a couple of times it rained so hard with the wind that I thought the house was going to blow away. A couple of limbs have fallen, but none too big. From what I understand we are suppose to have some serious storms later tonight. I hope they don't wake me up if it's in the middle of the night....lol.

DianaB 03-08-2009 04:15 PM

We had that wind yesterday and the storms. They were in the middle of the night and I think that we had hail because I vaguely remember hearing it but I did hear the rain. We had about .4 of an inch.

I hope that you don't have any bad storms especially in the night time. I imagine that the wind will go away after the storms pass. Stay safe!

HALEY 03-09-2009 03:26 AM

We'll Janet you sent the wind my way, wow is it windy here in PA today... i had to cover Micah's face this morning when i dropped him off at daycare, he looked so cute today in his new clothes he got for his Birthday :)

gja1000 03-09-2009 04:47 AM

I hope the storms (if they came) were not too bad!!!

Janet 03-09-2009 06:41 AM

There was some pretty bad storm damage in the northern and southern part of Indiana. Up north there was a confirmed tornado and they are waiting to confirm whether a tornado was in the south. Still a little windy today, but not bad.

Sorry you're getting it too Haley. When we getting pictures of Micah's birthday?

HALEY 03-09-2009 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 89544)
There was some pretty bad storm damage in the northern and southern part of Indiana. Up north there was a confirmed tornado and they are waiting to confirm whether a tornado was in the south. Still a little windy today, but not bad.

Sorry you're getting it too Haley. When we getting pictures of Micah's birthday?

i have to fix them first, there all blurry, my sister is not that great with my camera.. but again i tried to show her how to use it in two seconds.... :( i'm going to get the thank U cards out of the way tonight, then i'll start downloading them if Micah gives me some time ...

DianaB 03-10-2009 09:06 AM

I read that there were some tornadoes in Illinois and Indiana that did some damage. I just hate it when tornado weather starts!!!

Janet 03-10-2009 10:13 AM

It was confirmed that the damage (north and south) were by tornadoes. I'm so sick of hearing about it on the news I could scream. Same story....same video....same pictures. I would think after a day or two they could slack off some...but obviously not.

I guess we're in for some rough weather tonight the weather lady said at noon. Coming in sometime after 8:00 PM.

We wanted spring....too bad tornadoes are part of it.

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