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Marilyn 03-14-2009 10:44 AM

Yaaaaa!!! It's Raining, It's Raining, It's Raining!!!!!
Everyone is sooooooo excited!!! It's finally raining!!!!! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

This will affect spring break for a lot of folks, but we are soooooo happy to have rain, hopefully they will deal with it. Many prayers have been answered!!!

Marilyn 03-14-2009 10:48 AM

We missed a lot of the rain you were hearing about in Texas this week. It was running on a diagonal and missing the coastal area of the state. Everything will be green again, very soon, and hopefully we will have more spring flowers. The Indian Paint Brushes and Bluebonnets were beginning to bloom, but most of them were at the very bottom of ditches or at the end of culverts where there must have still been a hint of moisture in the soil.

This is just soooo wonderful. Hopefully it will rain long enough to really help the farmers and ranchers!!!

DianaB 03-14-2009 02:15 PM

I know exactly how you feel! We had a bit of rain last week, anyway enough that we were very happy to get it. Yay!!! Rain!!!!

Janet 03-14-2009 02:43 PM

Yay!!!! I know you guys were pretty dry there in Texas. Glad you all are getting some relief. We have had a lot of rain and some schools were on 2-hour delays because of flooding. Seems to be going down some now. Wish we could have send some your way.

Marilyn 03-14-2009 03:54 PM

Janet, wish y'all could have sent some rain our way!! This is about the worst year we've ever seen for drought. I think the lack of rain is contributing to everyone here feeling so down. You would not believe the dust in our homes!! We usually have plenty of green lawns and shrubs in the city so that dust is not such an issue as it is on the farms with tilled land all around, but we've had dirt and dust in our homes in the city this year. The baptistry at church had a scum on it the other night and I mentioned it to the janitor, and he said it's the dust, he keeps chlorine in it, so it wasn't from algae or anything, it was dust. He has to drain it more frequently to keep it clean right now.

Most everything has been so brown this year. It's hard to stay cheery in a brown world. This rain should green things up nicely.

judy 03-15-2009 09:08 AM

When I heard about the rain, I was so happy for you guys! No more fires, thank goodness.

You must be so relieved.

Blueyes 03-15-2009 05:56 PM

We got rain, too!! YIPPEEE:D

gja1000 03-16-2009 06:45 PM

We got a couple of much needed inches in Austin! It came slow and gentle over 3 days, the best kind of rain. It only rained a little bit at our hunting lease - south of San Antonio. Everything down there is dry and dead, very sad looking. NO grass of any kind for the cattle, I know many ranchers who have had to sell their cattle, because there is no grass and it is too expensive to feed them.

donna1990 03-18-2009 09:15 AM

So happy you guys got rain. It is so dry here and the pollen is so bad that I can't go outside.
Send some rain to FL.

2tiredmom 03-18-2009 09:50 AM

Hope your drought is over. We've had to much rain here. It's raining again today here. Flood waters had finallly gone down. Wish we could share it with all you that really need it.

DianaB 03-18-2009 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 90008)
We got a couple of much needed inches in Austin! It came slow and gentle over 3 days, the best kind of rain. It only rained a little bit at our hunting lease - south of San Antonio. Everything down there is dry and dead, very sad looking. NO grass of any kind for the cattle, I know many ranchers who have had to sell their cattle, because there is no grass and it is too expensive to feed them.

I'm glad that you finally got some rain. It will certainly help things to green up. I hate it when the weather affects the farmers and ranchers. Been there, done that.

gja1000 03-18-2009 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 90090)
I'm glad that you finally got some rain. It will certainly help things to green up. I hate it when the weather affects the farmers and ranchers. Been there, done that.

Unfortunately, our drought is far from over. We only got 1/2 of our average rainfall for 2008 and we are still at less than 1/2 for our usual amount for 2009. It looks very grim. There was an article in the paper today about a man who had been farming/ranching in this area for 60 years, and he has never seen it this dry. The paper showed a farm pond that was almost dry - he said it had never been this low in 60 years. It is really bad here.

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