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HALEY 04-01-2009 10:43 AM

Has anyone taken Chanix ???
Has anyone taken Chantix before? If so what side effects did you get?
I was thinking about this for a stop smoking aid but what i been reading about this drug is really scaring me..

DianaB 04-01-2009 01:11 PM

I hope that there's someone on here who can help you, Haley. I don't know of anyone who's used it but I'm not around smokers.

Janet 04-01-2009 01:18 PM

I used it. It made me feel sick to my stomach all the time. I couldn't stand to keep taking it. Always feeling sick, but not sick enough to vomit.

Hubby used it, just made him a little sick, but not much. He continued to use it until he quit.

Good luck.

blowry 04-01-2009 04:53 PM

I haven't tried it...had a friend use it and she also said it made her sick...felt like vomiting all the time...also had bad dreams and a hard time sleeping...I had quit once before for 7 yrs...went back to it when I went through my divorce...I only have 3 cigarettes left.....I AM GOING TO DO IT TOMORROW!! With alot of prayer and and non-fattening snacks I am going to do it again for EVER this time!!....I wish you luck!

HALEY 04-02-2009 03:15 AM

Aww Brenda, i wish you luck too girl!!! My quit date is April 9th. Im going to the doctor to get the patch, Me and Hubby are doing this together.. I need to quit, for myself and my son, with Micah's allergies i don't want to smell like smoke around him. I stocked up on candy, gum, and bunch of stuff, going to get some fruit this week to munch on and some diet pills.. :rolleyes:

HALEY 04-02-2009 03:15 AM

ps i have to dust off my treadmill at home and get all the clothes off it, i'll be walking on it everynight or outside with Micah....:D

Marilyn 04-02-2009 03:46 AM

Changing your routine is really important. I think Janet posted that in another thread. Breaks at work may be your hardest time. You'll have to come up with something else to do so you won't feel the need for a cig. Go jog or something. :)

HALEY 04-02-2009 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Marilyn (Post 91090)
Changing your routine is really important. I think Janet posted that in another thread. Breaks at work may be your hardest time. You'll have to come up with something else to do so you won't feel the need for a cig. Go jog or something. :)

I know i have to change my routine, i'm getting my treadmill ready at home, i have candles i'm going to burn downstairs cause that's were we smoke, at work its going to be hard cause were allowed to smoke here, i'm going to clean my office wednesday throw away the ashtray stock up on candy... i'm going to walk around site at lunchtime if its not raining.. i also have to clean my work truck out and get the smoke smell out of it. i got lysol spray and air freshners already, my personal truck i don't smoke in cause i always have Micah with me... so i'm getting ready girl, just have to throw them away.. and get thru the cravings and withdrawns.

Janet 04-02-2009 05:40 AM

Haley...I would find other things to stock up on and not the candy. You're just asking for a weight gain if it's always there for you to eat. Have plenty of celery and carrot sticks, salt free pretzels, tic tacs, gum and lots of water...it really helps.

Brenda.....I hope you're able to quit. You really won't believe how much better life is and how wonderful the smells are now. Wish I'd never ever started those things, but very thankful that with God's help....I'm done with them.

Best of luck to the both of you!

HALEY 04-02-2009 05:47 AM

Thanks Janet, i am stocking up with healthy stuff too, carrots, apples, etc.. I have a problem with Mike he don't eat fruit, so i have to get him something to keep him busy... I got sugar free candy for me.. I just have to get out of the habit and the withdrawls from what i remember from the last time i quit are terrible.. but God willing we will both stop...

HALEY 04-02-2009 05:48 AM

ps i got a water bottle yesterday, i love it... i just refilled it.. :D

blowry 04-02-2009 06:07 AM

Thanks Janet! As I had said I did it once before so I know I can do it again...I just know it's going to be harder this time then it was the first time...and it shouldn't!!! cigarettes are over 8.00 a pack here!! that should be enough to make ANYONE quit!

HALEY 04-02-2009 06:17 AM

WOW!!!!!! $8 per pack, i'm bitching because ther $6.00 per pack here....

HALEY 04-02-2009 06:19 AM

Brenda, So how are you doing today? Today is your first day smoke free right??
I'm not to far behind you, my quit date is the 9th.. Wish you all the luck girl!!!

DianaB 04-02-2009 07:48 AM

Good luck Brenda and Haley!! I'll be here cheering you on!!! :cheer: :cheer:

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