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gja1000 04-13-2009 06:18 PM

Does anyone have any fun vacations planned for this summer?

We are going to Arkansas to see relatives and do a little fishing and then later on in the summer, we plan to go to the Yellowstone and Rapid City, SD area. Has anyone been to these places? I'm looking for places to stay around Jackson Hole WY and then Rapid City. Any recommendations?

Marilyn 04-13-2009 06:36 PM

We don't have any more vacation plans since we already did the cruise. I plan to take a vacation day and fly to Odessa to visit a dear uncle and aunt over a long weekend, April 24 thru 26. That will leave only 3 vacation days for the whole rest of the year!! :eek:

I've been to Jackson, Wyoming and we stayed at Jackson Lake Lodge. It was a very beautiful place!!! We stayed in a cabin on the grounds. Have always wanted to go back and stay in the big lodge itself. I was only 17 at the time, but the place was so big and well built, it's bound to still be there. The view of the Grand Tetons was breathtaking!! I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip!!

gja1000 04-13-2009 07:29 PM

Thanks Marilyn, someone on a travel blog mentioned Jackson Lake Lodge. It's pretty pricey, but we might swing for a couple of nights, especially since you say the view is breathtaking.

Thanks so much!

I'm sorry you get so few vacation days!!! I have a lot of time off in the academic calendar - but - I only get paid for 9 months, so it does have it's drawbacks. I'm teaching for 5 weeks this summer and that helps financially.

Marilyn 04-14-2009 03:39 AM

Hey, I complain about vacation, but I made may career choice long ago. Didn't want to teach and now I can't afford to. I looked into teaching in public school when our girls were small, but the paycut was just too drastic to even consider. I'm sure with your credentials and teaching at the level you do, the compensation is much better. I just have a BS so being a regular teacher at the high school level is as high as I could go.

Sure hope others post with their vacation plans!! There are some of us who will live vicariously through others this summer. ;)

Tiramisu 04-14-2009 04:26 AM

No real plans for me other than the Barn Bash. I want another Yorkie boy, so my sister and I are talking about taking a weekend roadtrip to a breeder she got hers from. I'm saving 7 vacation days for Christmas, going for a total of 2 weeks off. I love having that time off with the g-kids! Jackson Hole is on my bucket list!

Janet 04-14-2009 05:44 AM

I know have any plans for a vacation. We haven't had a vacation since Ricky was 5 years old and we went to Disney in Florida. Now he and his dad have gone camping with Scouts for weekends and a week or two so that pretty much took Rick's vacation time.

There are quite a few things I'd like to do, but don't know if I'll have the nerve or not. Just have to see.

Blueyes 04-14-2009 05:13 PM

We are going to Disney World in May with both of our sons, dil's and grandsons!! It will be our last get together before my oldest son and family move to Scotland. I would love to see the Wyoming area sometime!

gja1000 04-14-2009 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 91683)
We are going to Disney World in May with both of our sons, dil's and grandsons!! It will be our last get together before my oldest son and family move to Scotland. I would love to see the Wyoming area sometime!

Betsi! Your picture in your avatar is sooooo pretty!

We took our granddaughter (we only had one at the time), daughter, and sil to Disney World when my granddaughter was 6. My husband had such a great time with her. It was before he got sick and he rode every ride with her, even Dumbo - multiple times! It was a trip he will never forget, I think even more so than her. I know you all will have a great time!

Blueyes 04-14-2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 91684)
Betsi! Your picture in your avatar is sooooo pretty!

We took our granddaughter (we only had one at the time), daughter, and sil to Disney World when my granddaughter was 6. My husband had such a great time with her. It was before he got sick and he rode every ride with her, even Dumbo - multiple times! It was a trip he will never forget, I think even more so than her. I know you all will have a great time!

Thanks Gayle! I just cropped the family pic I have on Facebook.

We have gone to WDW once a year for the last 3 years. It will be our newest dil's first trip, and she is so excited! We always ride everything and act silly and just have a blast :p

Lindsey 04-14-2009 07:09 PM

Great avatar picture Betsi! :thumbup::)

I've got no holidays planned for this summer, other than my friend's bachelorette party in Edmonton and her wedding, which will be in June. I'm going to do some weekend trips, like going out to camp with my friend who works at a golf course during the summer. I'll be doing quite a few trips home on weekends to work on the cabin. I was going to go to Pincher Creek, Alberta, for a family thing we do every year (it switched locations yearly) but just like last year, it's on the same weekend as the Dragon Boat Festival here. I had way too much fun in the races last year to miss it!
I kind of wanted to go to Vancouver for my birthday weekend (probably take a Friday and Monday off) since I've never been there, but I think I'm going to save my money and holidays for Europe in the fall! I guess I'll see what Scott decides to do for my birthday weekend, because I've dropped a few hints!

gja1000 04-15-2009 04:26 AM

Lindsay, I hope you get to go to Vancouver for your birthday. I think you would love it there. It's such a beautiful and unique city. I've been there twice, and spent 5 days there once for a conference. I want to go back again. Vancouver and Victoria Island are two of my most memorable vacation spots!

judy 04-15-2009 07:10 AM

Hi Pretty Woman, Betsi! It's a wonderful picture, and you are beautiful.

I'm going to explore my area this summer. Since this area is so beautiful, it is a vacation destination, and there are a lot of things going on all year round. I also have a pool in the condo, so I'll be laying there on my chair and swimming a lot. I love doing that.

I still feel like I am always on vacation, living here. I can't believe I live in the country. It was my dream!

DianaB 04-15-2009 07:13 AM

The kids have been asking what we're doing for vacation and they're wanting to either go canoeing in Missouri or go 4-wheeling in the mountains. Amy and Jason are going to Pennsylvania to visit Jason's mother and his other family. Then they're going to Washington, DC. I keep hinting that I want to go too!!! :sad: But they're not taking the hints. I don't know if I could ride in the car that long with their girls anyway!!!

Lindsey 04-15-2009 08:56 AM

Sounds like there are some fun summers planned!

I told Scott this morning that I think I would like to go somewhere for my birthday weekend. We looked at flights and hotels in Vancouver, and then flights and hotels in Vegas :D Vegas was cheaper :) :) :) I asked my cousin if she'd go with some friends, and I asked my brother to go, and I can ask some more of my friends but so far it's a huge yes! I'm not a gambler but I would love to see some shows and go shopping!

gja1000 04-15-2009 09:38 AM

OH VEGAS is WAY COOL TOOOOO!!! YAY! You can't lose with either Vegas or Vancouver. I dont' gamble either, can't stand the smoke in the casinos (although there are some smoke free ones). But the people, stores, casinos and the like are all so INTERESTING!!!

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