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HALEY 06-04-2009 03:46 AM

I'm a mess today ;(
We'll finally they ok, Micah for tubes in both ears, the fluid is still there, so i have to make an appointment down Childrens Hospital with the ENT. I'm just a mess today, this will be the first time Micah will be put under... his first "surgery" im just in tears right now.... ohmy...

Gina 06-04-2009 04:08 AM

Oh Haley!! :hug: :hug: to you.. Don't worry I know that it is very scary but he will benefit from the surgery. I know exactly how you feel when my son was 5 he had his tonsils and adneoids removed. I cried to and was so nervous for him. When he woke up in recovery I cried, the nurses looked at me like I was some weirdo, I still have a vivid memory of that day. I was so besides myself thinking back today I would have told them off.

Don't worry think of the positive side no more ear infections...

Janet 06-04-2009 04:11 AM

I understand completely. I cried even when my son got his shots..lol. Micah is going to feel sooooo much better without the fluid and continuous ear infections. My heart always went out to him. Now he'll feel so much better and you won't be worrying about a sick child as much. Try to stay brave and keep us informed to when the surgery is.

HALEY 06-04-2009 04:18 AM

Thanks Gina and Janet..
I just need to calm the hell down, i'm just a damn wreck today.. i'm going to lose it.. im chewing the hell out of this nicotine gum :(
I knew this day was coming soon, with all the ear infections, i know he is going to feel so much better without the fluid in his ears.
But this is so scary for me, my baby is getting surgery!!! :(:(:(

HALEY 06-04-2009 05:21 AM

Ok were going tomorrow morning at 9:15 am.

HALEY 06-04-2009 05:57 AM

GREAT!!!! Mike can't get off work tom, he has a crane coming in and he is in charge of it... so wonderful, i hate driving in the city . He said his mother can go with me so that is good, my mother can't cause she is in Flordia right now..
what else is going to happen now!!!

HALEY 06-04-2009 09:09 AM

Ok, Mikes step father is going to drive tom. morning so that will work out i'm not a big driver especially not knowing the area that great.

Check this out the doctors name is: Cuneyt metin Alper?

Now how the heck to you pronouce that one??? oh boy... will let you guys know what happens on monday, i'm guessing there going to check his ears again and schedule the surgery sometime next week?

donna1990 06-04-2009 01:09 PM

Will be thinking of all of you. I know it doesn't do any good to tell you not to worry

Blueyes 06-04-2009 01:19 PM

Good luck with everything Haley! I know Micah will be fine, and he's too little to even remember any of it;) What ever you do...DON'T SMOKE:eek:

Janet 06-04-2009 03:03 PM

Calm down Haley....you don't want Micah wondering why Mommy is such a mess. He will be fine ya know.....this kind of surgery is done all the time. I know that doesn't help...because they don't do it all the time on Micah...it will be his first.

Know we'll be thinking of you and Micah. Remember...he won't remember a thing and he'll feel so much better. Give him a hug for me!!!

Gina 06-05-2009 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 93491)
Calm down Haley....you don't want Micah wondering why Mommy is such a mess. He will be fine ya know.....this kind of surgery is done all the time. I know that doesn't help...because they don't do it all the time on Micah...it will be his first.

Know we'll be thinking of you and Micah. Remember...he won't remember a thing and he'll feel so much better. Give him a hug for me!!!

Janet said it well.. Don't worry.. Be brave for Micah he will be fine...

DianaB 06-05-2009 10:38 AM

I just read your posts and I'm so sorry that you're upset. This will certainly help Micah with all of his ear aches and infections. Just keep focused on the fact that this is to help him be healthier. When he gets older he'll outgrow this and you won't have to worry about it. I'm glad to hear that you won't be alone at the hospital. I'll be praying that all goes well. Hugs!!

judy 06-06-2009 05:39 PM

Oh Haley!!! I know you must be so nervous. He will be fine, and his ears won't be bothering him anymore, but it is hard to go through for any mom.

I am sending you and Micah hugs and prayers.

gja1000 06-06-2009 07:44 PM

I hope everything went well and that Micah feels better soon - and you too!

HALEY 06-08-2009 08:36 AM

thanks everyone, i posted an undate on Micah..

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