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Janet 06-07-2009 04:25 PM

Uh Oh!!!
1 Attachment(s)
We found this snake skin in-between the house and the porch...looks like it may have gone under the house. If you look closely on the very far left you can see where the eye was.

Attachment 5233

Blueyes 06-07-2009 06:00 PM

Uh-Oh indeed:eek: You know what THAT means:eek::eek:

gja1000 06-08-2009 04:01 AM

Betsi! It means that snake is eating mice/rats and now, WON'T get into Janet's house! :D

Gina 06-08-2009 04:24 AM

I don't know anything about snakes girls being a city girl.. What does that mean ? Does it mean what Gayle mentioned ?? If sooo whew!!

DianaB 06-08-2009 08:05 AM

Yes, that's what it means, Gina. Janet won't have to worry about mice if it stays around. It's certainly not big enough to eat the dogs! My husband takes snakes like that and puts them in his shop because with all of the grain off of the equipment he gets a lot of mice. He used to put them near the house too but he knows that I don't care for that!! I don't mind a snake but I don't like to be surprised by one.

Janet, here's what I found out about how to tell if it was a poisonous snake.......

Anal Plate Division
The anal plate on a snake is the last body scale on the underside or belly. One good identification characteristic is to determine if the snakes' anal plate has one scale or is it divided into two scales. You can not use the anal plate to tell the difference between poisonous and non- poisonous snakes. You can use the tail scales to determine if a snake is poisonous. The pit vipers (poisonous) have a single row of scales under the tail beginning at the vent. Near the end of the tail, the single row will change into a double row. All others have single tail scales.

If you look at the scales on the bottom end of the snake you can see that they're divided into two plates so your snake isn't poisonous. Good news!!

Janet 06-08-2009 08:29 AM

I guess I'm glad then??? LOLOL I sure don't want mice in the house, so I hope it stays underneath and doesn't come in. I'm not really afraid of snakes, but not sure I'd want to see one in my house.

Thanks Diana for all the info. It didn't even cross my mind about being poisonous....duh!!! I did check online to see if I could figure out what kind it was, but the closest I could come to was a corn snake. I don't really know. Does it look like any you've seen?

DianaB 06-08-2009 11:54 AM

It's too hard to tell by just the skin. I have a friend that could tell you probably. I probably would have guessed a black snake. That's what we usually have around here that gets that size.

Blueyes 06-08-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 93684)
Betsi! It means that snake is eating mice/rats and now, WON'T get into Janet's house! :D

It means that THAT snake is there, along with possibly it's parents, siblings, and offspring. There aren't enough mice/rats to feed a family that size:yelrotflmao::yelrotflmao::yelrotflmao:

Sorry Janet...just kidding!! I'm not scared of snakes either. My son had a ball python when he was little. The neighbor kids loved to come over to watch him eat a rat every couple of weeks:p

Janet 06-08-2009 03:17 PM

eeewwww Betsi...how gross!....lol. I hope this snake is a runaway and that he doesn't have any family here.

gja1000 06-08-2009 04:27 PM

One time when I was about 12, I was playing at a friend's house (in the country) and we opened up the linen drawer and there was a big black snake curled up right on top of the white linens - scared the bejezus out of us! LOL!!!!!

Janet 06-09-2009 05:34 AM

And that's something you would never forget...lol

DianaB 06-09-2009 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 93766)
One time when I was about 12, I was playing at a friend's house (in the country) and we opened up the linen drawer and there was a big black snake curled up right on top of the white linens - scared the bejezus out of us! LOL!!!!!

That would have scared me to death too!!!! I don't like to be surprised by a snake.

I found a little ringneck snake yesterday while I was moving rocks. I killed it when I moved the rock around without knowing it was there. My husband laughed when I told him it was dead because he thought that I'd stomped the daylights out of it!!!!!!

I'm not good at identifying snakes so I'd rather they weren't around!! Glen says to look at their eyes and see if they're slitted (that identifies poisonous ones). Heck no!!!! I'm not going to look that close!!!!! We do have some rattlers nearby so we do have to be careful.

judy 06-09-2009 03:57 PM

No mice or rats is a good thing, but coming across a snake does" rattle" the nerves!


Janet 06-09-2009 04:12 PM

Judy.....'rattle'....you are so funny!

Gina 06-09-2009 05:20 PM

I have never seen a snake.. but you know what!! it would more than rattle MEEEEEE lol

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