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Taurus Babe 10-07-2006 07:11 PM

I am such a...
DORK! For the past month almost, I haven't done much on the weekends except work. Half the time I get off early enough (like right now-11ish) to go out and do stuff but I'm also trying to save some money and pay off some CC's. Just thought I'd share with ya'll that I have no life right now!:rolleyes:

Janet 10-08-2006 03:01 AM

I know what you mean. I almost forget what it's like to have a life. I spend almost all my time at home. We do go out occasionally to eat, but are usually home by 8:00 PM. I do like to go to an auction on Saturdays, but it's been a few weeks. I hate leaving the dogs for too long too. When no one is home they are crated for their safety and my peace of mind. I just don't like them to be crated for too long. So, I'm most always home. Sure wish there was something fun and exciting to do!!! (that didn't cost money):)

rivermom 10-09-2006 10:47 AM

Sometimes having "no life" can be good. All that quiet time, awwww. You can relax, start a hobby, take a walk, etc....Seems the quiet times don't come around enough.

Mandy 10-10-2006 12:12 AM

Enjoy the quiet while you can! In a few years time, you'll be wondering where "those days" are ;)

magnolia 10-10-2006 04:37 AM

I agree with Mandy - enjoy the quiet time. After working 8+ hours at work each day, I then go home to help the boys with their homework, cook supper, clean the kitchen, fuss at the boys to get their stuff ready for school the next day, spend 30 minutes or more trying to get the 13 year old in the shower, then finally sit down around 9:00 to spend some time with my furbabies.....by 10:00, if not before, I'm in the bed - I get my quiet time then as I always lay in bed and read before going to sleep (it's my "sleeping pill").

Necee419 10-10-2006 05:07 AM

Don't feel so bad. My husband and I were saying the same thing this weekend. We had three days off and did nothing but work!! Between house cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, lesson plans for the following week and grading papers (hubby is a teacher) we did NO relaxing. I can't even imagine how more hectic it will be if/when we are blessed with children.

RLC12345678 10-10-2006 06:05 AM

Yeah, don't feel bad. My hubby and I are very young (23 and 25) and really all we like to do on the weekends is sleep and relax at home. I mean, we work so hard during the week that the LAST thing I want to do on the weekends is go out, get trashed, and feel like crap the whole next day. That does not make for a good week the following week. :(

Taurus Babe 10-10-2006 07:08 AM

:0) thanks guys...I'm glad to know other people sit at home also! I'm only 22 and think I should be going out more that I do, but like you all say, it's just so nice to sit at home and just relax sometimes!!:thumbup:

Necee419 10-10-2006 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Taurus Babe
:0) thanks guys...I'm glad to know other people sit at home also! I'm only 22 and think I should be going out more that I do, but like you all say, it's just so nice to sit at home and just relax sometimes!!:thumbup:

Sometimes its ok just to be a home body. I have always been this way. Most Saturday nights I would spend at home. When I broke up with my last boyfriend, my best friend was constantly telling me that I had to get out there. How was I going to meet a great guy at home on a Saturday night? Well, I did just that!!;) I met my husband one lonely Saturday night at home, online!! So you see, sometimes it pays to be a home body.:p

Taurus Babe 10-10-2006 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Necee419
Sometimes its ok just to be a home body. I have always been this way. Most Saturday nights I would spend at home. When I broke up with my last boyfriend, my best friend was constantly telling me that I had to get out there. How was I going to meet a great guy at home on a Saturday night? Well, I did just that!!;) I met my husband one lonely Saturday night at home, online!! So you see, sometimes it pays to be a home body.:p

awwww! Love will find a way!

cindy0721 10-12-2006 06:43 AM

I hear ya... and with the second job hubby and I picked up it makes the days sooooooooooo long and the nights sooooooooooo short.... I thought it was tuesday and its THURSDAY! I need sleep!

Taurus Babe 10-12-2006 07:00 AM

That's a nice surprise!
Another thing is that I don't make much money at all so when I do work and then go out afterwards, I end up with no money...But I love hangin with my dog!

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