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Lindsey 07-29-2009 07:44 PM

Almost moving time!
I am just days away of getting into my new place! My living room is stacked with boxes and furniture, and I'm not even done packing yet :eek:

My roommate wanted to move into my room and isn't going to be around this weekend, so she insisted on moving her stuff into my room YESTERDAY. I took the day off work because I was so sick, but ended up spending the whole afternoon packing, cleaning, and moving everything out of my room. Everyone I talked to couldn't believe I had to do that so early... I've paid rent to the end of the month! Why should I have to sleep on a couch? But I didn't want to start a fight with only a week left, so I firmly said I'd move everything out but I'm keeping my bed in there and set up until the end of the week. Her matresses are standing against a wall and she's staying at her boyfriend's house for the week.

I am so ready to just get out of this place. It has been feeling less and less like "home" in the past month. Right now I'm living out of a suitcase and everytime I reach for something, I need I realize it's already packed.

My roommate also wanted to move her food into my pantry cupboard so she threw all of my food into boxes. I don't even know where to look for anything, so it's almost 10 pm and I'm waiting for Scott to bring me food from the lounge he was at with friends because I haven't eaten since lunch!

2 more days! The countdown is on!

MaddieBoo 07-29-2009 08:54 PM

Sounds like you've been trying to get out of there for a while! Hope the move goes smoothly and that you can stand the last 2 days there! :)

Marilyn 07-30-2009 03:52 AM

Your roommate sounds horrible!! Good thing you're getting out of there!! Wish you well in your move, and hope you get to feeling better very, very soon!!!!

Lindsey 07-30-2009 06:16 AM

Thanks! I'm still sick and coughing my lungs out, but at least I'm at work today! I hope to get the rest of my stuff packed up tonight and I can do some cleaning too.

Janet 07-30-2009 04:02 PM

Hope you feel better soon Lindsey.... and how exciting....starting a new chapter in a new home.

judy 08-02-2009 09:38 AM

:getwell:Feel better Linds! Have a smooth, trouble-free move. How exciting:cheer:


P.S. The roomate sucks!!!:tongue026::omg:

gja1000 08-03-2009 06:10 PM

Hi Lindsay! I hope your move goes as smoothly as possible!!! Good Luck!

Marilyn 08-04-2009 06:26 PM

How's it going Lindsey?? Are you moving this weekend??

DianaB 08-06-2009 04:01 PM

That's what I want to know........are you moved yet? I bet that you're too busy getting everything put away that you don't have time to be on here!!!! Have fun, Lindsey!!!

Lindsey 08-10-2009 09:58 AM

I took a week off work and haven't gotten my tv or internet hooked up yet :D So now I'm back to work and back here!

I'm redoing my whole bathroom, so Scott took off my bathroom vanity and took with it some of the wall :eek: so I had to plaster and sand that before painting. The new vanity is now installed, and I just need to put up the new lights I bought plus storage and mirror. The main area of the condo is painted (hallways, living room, dining room, kitchen), but the back area of the living room and the wall above the corner fireplace are red, and that still needs a few more coats! My bedroom and the guest bedroom still need paint too. I'll be working my butt off every evening this week because my friend and her husband are visiting this weekend and should be here Friday evening!

I have had a few troubles with the manager... First of all I have three parking spots according to the people I bought from. So I have been parking in those three spots. Scott and I got warnings that we would be ticketed if we didn't register! So I registered the two spots that needed registering. The next day, he brought his motorbike and parked it in one of the spots and I got another phone call saying that was registered to his car, not his motorbike! I would have to rent ANOTHER spot for another $15/month if he wanted to bring his bike. Finally Scott called and explained he will never have both his car and his bike there at the same time, and sweet talked her into letting him use the space for one or the other. I'm starting to look forward to getting a house one day and not having all these rules :(

Layla barks like crazy when the people across the hall get home (usually in the wee hours of the morning) and she has also peed a few times on the carpet :( We have put up her gate to keep her contained and she climbs over it. We even put chairs in front so she couldn't climb over, and she CHEWED it and got out. No matter what we do when we leave, we get home and she's wagging her tail at the door. I feel like ripping out the carpet so she won't keep using it as a giant pee pad!

gja1000 08-10-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lindsey (Post 96316)
I feel like ripping out the carpet so she won't keep using it as a giant pee pad!

It sounds like you have been VERY busy - but isn't it exciting to have your own place!

YES YES YES! I would rip out the carpet and put down laminate or wood. One of my boys uses my mom's room which is carpeted as a huge pee pad too, so I have to keep that door closed. No matter what I do, he won't stop peeing on the carpet. He also sprinkles the wood, but only occasionally and I can just wipe that up.

Lindsey 08-11-2009 06:32 AM

It's very exciting! I have enough red paint left for one more coat... I really hope it covers! I have never painted red before and it's such a pain! I did a coat of tinted primer and three coats of red so far, but all the corners and the line at the ceiling and baseboards where I cut in with a brush looks WAY darker than the walls that were rolled. Last night we got the paint for the guest bedroom so I should be done buying paint now!

I had the same problem with Layla in the last place, but we only had carpet in the basement so the basement was off limits. I want so badly to keep the carpet because she loves running around on it! she rarely ran when we had laminate because she would slip so much :( and sometimes she would slip and fall when jumping off the couch. I think we're going to have to do some potty training boot camp.

DianaB 08-11-2009 08:49 AM

Your apartment sounds so cute!! I love red walls so you're going to have to post pictures.

Jazzi pees on the carpet and we try to keep doors closed and I let her outside every little bit. When we leave instead of locking her in a room or her kennel I have a chain (it's actually a plastic coated wire for tying up dogs) that is hooked up in the kitchen. She can go around both sides of the bar. I keep her toys nearby and a blanket on the floor with food and water. She's only peed once there and it was when she was left for a really long time. It's all hard surface and her chain is placed where she can't get on the carpet. When I hook her up I do have to move my chairs to the bar because she can get tangled in them. Anyway, this works great for us.

Lindsey 08-11-2009 08:56 AM

Thanks Diana! I will post pictures next week if I get everything done :) After the painting's done I'll need to hang pictures and I still need to buy things like a shower curtain and bedroom curtains, etc. The stuff I have now just doesn't match!

That's a good idea to tie Layla up in the kitchen. I do have a plastic coated wire too, but I'll just need to unpack it :rolleyes: The other thing I could do is just close the door in the laundry room, but I think she would scratch it up, and already the smell in there gets pretty bad when she uses her pad in there because there's no ventilation... with the door closed it would only be worse. Hopefully we'll try something that works! The best case scenario is that she turns into a perfectly trained dog overnight :D

DianaB 08-11-2009 11:12 AM

Try putting Lyla on the chain while you're home so she'll get used to it. I don't have any problems with chaining Jazzi up like this when I'm gone. I worried that she'd chew on the corners of the cabinets so I put deodorant on them and I haven't had any problems except she got tangled up in a chair leg once. You could even put a pee pad within reach for her. Good luck!!

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