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Necee419 10-08-2006 12:12 PM

Dateline: To catch a predator
Friday night on NBC, I caught Dateline. It was the "To Catch a Predator" segment where they have a decoy pose as a 13 year old girl in an internet chat room and they catch grown adult men having sexually explicit conversations with her. They have the girl tell these men that she is alone and when the men actually show up at the house, they get arrested. I was completely nauseous. These men were absolutely disgusting. The things they said to this 13 year old. One man was a respected cancer doctor.:eek: He asked the girl what her bra size was. The decoy said her breasts were small because they were still growing and he said "don't worry, I'll kiss them for you.":mad: He was one of the ones that showed up at the house and started crying when he got arrested. The reason I am posting this is because I want to warn any of you with children to please monitor their internet exposure. These creatures are here waiting to snag our children. It is so scary. And this does not just apply to young girls. One time I saw a segment where the decoy posed as a 16 year old boy and one disgusting animal actually showed up at the house naked under his rain coat!!:mad: So please ladies, please be careful with your children. It is so scary to think that even while your children are in your home, "safe" in their rooms, they still can be victimized.

Kimberley 10-08-2006 01:53 PM

Good reminder! I agree! I monitor as much as I can with my daughter. I know her passwords for e-mail and her myspace. I check them constantly. I'll even come in the room while she's on line to see what she's doing. there are WAY too many sickos out there.

Janet 10-08-2006 02:18 PM

It's not a safe world anymore. Makes me sad! I watch Dateline and they've had that on for the last couple of weeks. I hope they get what's coming to them....sickos!!!!:mad:

DianaB 10-08-2006 03:08 PM

It's shocking to see who some of these men are that show up at the house on Dateline. They're very respectable people!! I had my daughter watch one of the shows with me on the internet just to show her how deceiving people can be on-line. I'm a firm believer that we can't teach our children to be too careful.

Mandy 10-08-2006 11:32 PM

Thanks for the reminder!! We can never be too careful. My son's pc is next to mine, i monitor him regularly, and i also tell him what kind of sicko's roam the internet! :thumbdwn:

Sherry Lynn 10-09-2006 04:21 AM

I saw a couple of those, too. One guy they caught was a rabbi... one a teacher.... one showed up with his toddler in tow.... and one took his clothes off in the garage and walked in naked!:eek:

There were a couple of them that had been caught before and had records but they keep preying on children! Just about all of them also brought along alcohol for the 13 yr old, too!

RLC12345678 10-09-2006 06:40 AM

I have watched several of these Dateline episodes and it truly is disgusting! One of the things experts suggest is not allowing children to have computers in their rooms. The computers children use should be out in the open in the family area, such as the living room or den, so parents can keep an eye on them.

Did any of you see the 16 year old boy on Oprah that was running an Internet Porn site of of his bedroom and his mother had no idea! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Janet 10-09-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by RLC12345678
I have watched several of these Dateline episodes and it truly is disgusting! One of the things experts suggest is not allowing children to have computers in their rooms. The computers children use should be out in the open in the family area, such as the living room or den, so parents can keep an eye on them.

Did any of you see the 16 year old boy on Oprah that was running an Internet Porn site of of his bedroom and his mother had no idea! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I didn't see the Oprah one, can't believe, I hardly ever miss Oprah. I am in the room when my son is on the computer. Not that I don't trust him, I don't trust the wackos!!!

RLC12345678 10-09-2006 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Janet
I didn't see the Oprah one, can't believe, I hardly ever miss Oprah. I am in the room when my son is on the computer. Not that I don't trust him, I don't trust the wackos!!!

Yes, it is the wackos, not the children. This boy that was on Oprah was solicited by men. He had a video camera set up on his computer and he said that one day, a man IMed him and said that he would give him $50 to take off his shirt. Of course the boy didn't see anything wrong with this, so he did it and the man sent $50 to his Paypal account. Then, it just escalted from there. It went from taking his shirt off, to taking ALL his clothes off, to performing sex acts with men and women in front of his computer video camera, then he went so far as to meet these men in person!!!!!!! I think he said that it all started when he was 13 years old and he was performing the sex acts by the time he was 16! :eek: :eek: :eek: It was unbelievable. But, he got out of it.

magnolia 10-09-2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Necee419
Friday night on NBC, I caught Dateline. It was the "To Catch a Predator" segment where they have a decoy pose as a 13 year old girl in an internet chat room and they catch grown adult men having sexually explicit conversations with her. They have the girl tell these men that she is alone and when the men actually show up at the house, they get arrested. I was completely nauseous. These men were absolutely disgusting. The things they said to this 13 year old. One man was a respected cancer doctor.:eek: He asked the girl what her bra size was. The decoy said her breasts were small because they were still growing and he said "don't worry, I'll kiss them for you.":mad: He was one of the ones that showed up at the house and started crying when he got arrested. The reason I am posting this is because I want to warn any of you with children to please monitor their internet exposure. These creatures are here waiting to snag our children. It is so scary. And this does not just apply to young girls. One time I saw a segment where the decoy posed as a 16 year old boy and one disgusting animal actually showed up at the house naked under his rain coat!!:mad: So please ladies, please be careful with your children. It is so scary to think that even while your children are in your home, "safe" in their rooms, they still can be victimized.

One of our local news stations set up a similar situation over in Byram (about 48 miles east of here in south Jackson - and where my son (13 year old) plays on a select tournament baseball team). The ballpark my son's team plays out of and practices out of, there are (or should I say WERE) 2 13 year old teams. The head coach of the other team was busted in the sting :eek: We have known this guy the 2 years we've been playing over there and affiliated with that park and had NO clue!!! He hid it very well. When caught and asked (on camera mind you so we ALL saw him), he said he wasn't soliciting anything, he was going over there to tell her what she was doing was wrong and she needed to stop! Yea, right - with condoms in your pocket you were gonna tell her that!!! They read his IM's that he had typed her telling her he could "teach her a few things". Sad thing is he has a 13 year old boy and an 8 year old daughter - wife refused to bail him out of jail (none of his family bailed him out - he said in jail for 4 days before somebody got him out). By the time he got out of jail, his wife had already been to the lawyers office, packed her things, and moved!!! I just can't believe we were that close to a freaking pedophile and had no clue!!!!! The stories they showed on Dateline and the one our local news did is just disgusting!

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