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rivermom 10-11-2006 03:15 PM

Let's Talk About Sex!
Ok Ladies...Once again Janet made me pause and think a bit. She mentioned she didn't care for sex.

So....I am guessing she's probably not the only one, I know myself that my ex hubby surely didn't think it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

So....Do you all like it? Or, could you live without it??

I personally like it...But I don't realize how much I do until after it's over. Then at that time I wonder, "hmmmm, why don't we do that more often". Since my hysterectomy I just don't have the "drive" I used to. I truly do need to be wined and dined before hand.

Ok ladies, start sharing. :D

Janet 10-11-2006 03:18 PM


For all of you out there.....LOL I inspired this new thread...right Sheryl???

Now I'll go back and read it...:D

Janet 10-11-2006 03:20 PM

OK, me first.....I HATE IT!!!

Maybe if I would take that therapist (posted on another thread) advice I might like it.....LOLOL :D


rivermom 10-11-2006 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Janet

For all of you out there.....LOL I inspired this new thread...right Sheryl???

Now I'll go back and read it...:D

You got that right!! :D

rivermom 10-11-2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
OK, me first.....I HATE IT!!!

Maybe if I would take that therapist (posted on another thread) advice I might like it.....LOLOL :D


You know really...I am guessing that some might just be "missing the little tick" that get's their engine roaring. Who knows?

I have a girl friend, she does it like every night. Not like she wants it all the time, but well her hubby pretty much pushes her along.

I myself would die if I did it nightly....I'm just too dog tired some nights to even consider it. Ugh!

But then there's those days after a couple glasses of wine I'm like, "hi honey, let's go take a drive on the 4-wheeler out into the woods". He jumps in an instant, LOL.

Willow 10-11-2006 03:34 PM

HAHA I want it alll the time! Two or three times a day would just be GREAT!! Except then we might have kids walking in on us...hmm....

He only likes it at night and it always has to be "in the bedroom".

I guess my only real complaint is it never seems to last long enough LOLOL and he takes forever to be ready to go again. *sigh*

rivermom 10-11-2006 03:42 PM

I wonder at times if "age" has something to do with it??? In my teens I was highly sexual. (had a child at 16 years of age so that pretty much confirms it)...Then in my 20's and even late 20's I felt I couldn't get enough.

Ok, then the 30's hit. I still loved it but it was different.

Now I am mid 40's and well...It at times seems easier to have sex in my mind. (fantasies) I dunno...I am just soooo tired all the time??

I often wonder what sex will be like when I am in my 60's. Possibly 70's?? I do know that I never want to be "without" it...You know the saying, "you always want what you can't have!"

Willow 10-11-2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
Then in my 20's and even late 20's I felt I couldn't get enough.

I would say this is where I am. lol

Gina 10-11-2006 04:09 PM

Well I am in my late 40's the big 50 around the corner. To be honest , when I was having my babies and raising them I was always tired.. Then the 40's approached and wow I rejenviated...lol I tend to be more sexual than my husband he is always tired...lol Go figure .. But I do enjoy it now at a older age...

RLC12345678 10-11-2006 05:17 PM


Mandy 10-11-2006 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
Ok Ladies...Once again Janet made me pause and think a bit. She mentioned she didn't care for sex.

So....I am guessing she's probably not the only one, I know myself that my ex hubby surely didn't think it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

So....Do you all like it? Or, could you live without it??

I personally like it...But I don't realize how much I do until after it's over. Then at that time I wonder, "hmmmm, why don't we do that more often". Since my hysterectomy I just don't have the "drive" I used to. I truly do need to be wined and dined before hand.

Ok ladies, start sharing. :D


Well, as you know in a lot of ways we share the same "things" .... and i have to say, even on this topic... we drink the same wine ;)

Necee419 10-12-2006 05:15 AM

Hubby pretty much wants to go at it every day. Most times, I am game but sometimes I am so tired I just let him have it without enthusiasm. He hates that because he always wants me to be excited and an active participant. But who has the strength for all of that? I work 8 hours a day, travel practically 2 hours to get home, to start dinner right away, iron the next day's outfit and clean up the kitchen and after the dog. I don't always have that energy in me. How he does, I'll never know but men never cease to amaze me when it comes to sex. My husband can be dying with the worst flu and he will still want to have sex. :eek:

Janet 10-12-2006 05:49 AM

AAWWW you poor ladies...either too much, or too little. You'll have to talk to your partners and let them know what you want or don't want. We were never able to talk about sex with each other....we just did it when we wanted...no discussion. Now, I don't care if I ever have it again....just not interested and really neither is he.

Ponyup 10-12-2006 05:58 AM

I could do it anytime anywhere. However, for my hubby to do it, he has to get all his nightly duties done (brush teeth, potty, put the dog away, etc), then turn off lights & get into bed. Usually I'm ready to go as soon as we turn off the t.v., but after he does all this stuff & then turns off the lights I'm asleep by the time he gets there. Sometimes I just wish he'd grab me & through me down, but he doesn't wanna get undressed & then redressed. We working it out & when we do do it I like it, I just wish it could me a little more spontatoues & passionate.

Cribal 10-12-2006 06:14 AM


I guess I'm kinda like Sheryl on this one. Hubby normally initiates it and it's not that big of a deal till we get started and then when it's done I wonder why it's not more often and normally I want to go again. It's like I forget how good it is until we're actully doing it. I don't know why though b/c its GREAT. B4 my hubby I was lucky to have 1 "O" when having sex. With hubby I have at LEAST 1 during
4play and at LEAST 1 during sex. So I guess I should be grateful and probably initiate it more often...LOL

PS. In the first part of the relationship I was always the first one to start it. I'm not sure what changed.

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