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gja1000 10-03-2009 07:26 PM

Shopping with Hubby at Academy!
My Texas friends will know what that means at this time of year! LOL!!! (deer hunting)

Gary has lost his hunting lease after this year. It is about 3 hours south of here, very dusty, and frankly, he doesn't need to go down there anymore. He is very sad though, and understandably so, because he had this place about 10 years with his best friend who died last year. They built the camp house themselves and had some wonderful times down there. But all things come to an end and so this lease will end in January. We will have a lease sale down there and sell everything - feeders, deer stands, and things from the camp house. Gary and I aren't able to pack it up and move it up here and we don't have anyplace to store it anyway.

So, back to the present. Last night a longtime friend of Gary's called to say he had found a place for them to hunt about an hour from Austin. I'm so happy because Gary won't have to stay overnight - he can drive out to hunt and then come home. I can take him and then go antiquing in the area and then bring him home or we can take the trailer and park it so he can rest and stay overnight occasionally if he wants. I'm just very very happy. The best thing is that he will be able to hunt there this season (Nov-Jan). He can't go to the lease 3 hours away by himself and he doens't have many friends who can go with him (they are not yet retired), so it is usually me and lordy lordy, I don't want to have to help him clean a deer!!!!! Plus, he isn't really able to do it, even with help (of course, he THINKS he can).

Anyway, today we bought a new stand and feeder to put up at the new place. Yes, it was several hundred dollars outlay, but we will get it back when we sell the stuff at the old lease in January. Also, Gary doesn't have to pay to hunt at the new place so it was worth buying a new feeder and stand. It was worth it too, just to see him so excited!

lynne b 10-04-2009 03:19 AM

Oh Gayle, i am so happy to hear that Gary will still be able to hunt, sounds like everything has worked out just perfect.
I know where you are coming from on this cause i am going through the same thing with mom, she also has friends from high school that still come and get her and they go and do things or spend all nighter's just talking and playing cards, it's getting harder for mom to keep up with them but i thank god that they are still there for her, it also kind of gives me a break.

Marilyn 10-04-2009 04:19 AM

Oh, Gayle, so happy that this is working out for you and for Gary!!! It's important that he stay as busy as he can doing the things he loves!! I'm sure you had fun at Academy.

gja1000 10-04-2009 04:21 AM

You are right Ladies! It is so good that he can still do some things that he likes to do. Even though it is altered from the past, it is what keeps him going. I say it "feeds his soul".

DianaB 10-04-2009 03:22 PM

I'm so glad that things have worked out so well for Gary........and you too. I can't imagine giving up the things that you really love to do because of health reasons, especially for men. Gary must have wonderful friends to think of him and keep him involved as well. How wonderful!!!

gja1000 10-04-2009 05:21 PM

He does have some good friends! He is very lucky - many men do not have very many friends. Since I work in gerontology, I see what often happens and that is men are usually very tied to their work and when that is gone, they don't have much to do and it is not uncommon for them to get sick and die shortly after retirement. Men with friends and lots of outside activities tend to do OK after retirement. Of course, that is a generalization - many men live a long time after retirement.

Gary has always had lots of hunting and fishing friends. Of course, his best friend who took such good care of him died last year, such a big loss for Gary. But this friend, Robert, who called about the new deer hunting place, is a really good friend too. He's much younger, only in his mid 40's so he's still working, but he tries to do as much with Gary as his job will allow.

Yes, for all the bad things that have happened to Gary, he is still very lucky in many ways.

Blueyes 10-04-2009 06:14 PM

I'm glad Gary has a place to hunt. Even if they never go, it gives them something to think about and plan for. Mike just bought bow hunting "things", then when he could go hunting last Saturday, he didn't feel like going. I really think he has as much fun shopping for "things" and reading hunting and/or golfing magazines, LOL!!!

gja1000 10-04-2009 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 99802)
I'm glad Gary has a place to hunt. Even if they never go, it gives them something to think about and plan for. Mike just bought bow hunting "things", then when he could go hunting last Saturday, he didn't feel like going. I really think he has as much fun shopping for "things" and reading hunting and/or golfing magazines, LOL!!!

Gary does that too - his son-in-law calls him an "accumulator" and it is true, he accumulates a LOT of stuff! I know it makes him feel better - he MIGHT use it, he MIGHT be able to do (whatever it is) and I want him to feel like he has the potential to still do the things he loves even if it is very sporadic.

Marilyn 10-05-2009 03:29 AM

It's wonderful that he has such a loving, caring wife, too.

gja1000 10-05-2009 04:41 AM

Oh Marilyn! You just made my day! :)

Janet 10-05-2009 05:52 AM

Gayle...you inspire me to be a much better person. Your love for Gary shines through in your posts about him. Its great that you are so devoted to him.....it makes my heart smile.

Tiramisu 10-05-2009 07:45 AM

Behind every good man .....

DianaB 10-05-2009 08:19 AM

I agree. I hope that Gary realizes what a treasure he has in you!!!

gja1000 10-05-2009 05:30 PM

You guys are just too sweet! Gary is an absolutely wonderful person so it is very easy to dote on him. My life is pretty much wrapped around making his life as comfortable and enjoyable as possible - cause his life certainly has not turned out the way he thought it would. Now, that is not to say that he doesn't get tired of me asking if he's checked his blood sugar (or checking it myself), nagging him to wear his oxygen or eat less salt and sometimes he even gets aggravated with me. But he tells people that he wouldn't be alive if not for me and it is true and I know he means is and understands it is true, so I know that he truly appreciates me. Also, he would do anything in the world for me and he would buy me anything that I want - I have to be careful not to wish for too many things, cause he will buy them and not have a clue that we can't pay for them! HA!

He is a special guy and I'm trying to keep him around a while longer! :)

Blueyes 10-05-2009 07:52 PM

Gayle, you are living my life...

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