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judy 02-07-2010 08:06 PM

I am tired of complaining, but....
I never did go to Kingston shopping today. My car does not feel right because the struts are bad. I googled whether or not it's dangerous to drive with bad struts, and it isn't as bad as I thought, but the car bounces and it is scary! It is dangerous if I hit a hole or bad bump because I could lose control, but I only went about 40 mph today, and the highways are good over here.

To make a long story short, I am not going anywhere but very local until I find another car. I will also call my mechanic tomorrow and see how much it would cost to replace the struts. If it's only a couple of hundred dollars, I am doing it!
My life is worth $200 even if it's only for a few weeks.

After the accident, I kept on looking at Max and Annie, and thought "What would happen to them if I didn't come home?" "Who would love them like I do?"

I guess I am really scared after that accident. My car is filthy because it was upside down in water. There is even caked on dirt on the inside mirror. Yuck! I am really upset. I am so unsure of myself as far as buying a car up here. It was different in NYC, and I was more confident. I was younger too!

I cleaned out the stuff that was inside the car today, and am only salvaging what I can. It is awful to see your stuff all thrown around and dirty inside your car! Tomorrow, I am going to try to get most of the dirt out. The trouble is, whatever is wet, froze.

I have to say, I was really lucky. My GPS, my sunglasses, and some papers
were all fine. My cell phone seems to have drowned, but I don't care at the moment. I never used it anyway, and I'll get another one in a bit.

There also seems to be water in the headlights, which don't seem to be working on one side.

Anyway, I guess I am more freaked out now that I see what happened and because I really need another car, and because I could have been killed! I never had that fear before. I always felt safe in my cars.

Thank God the dogs were not with me, and nobody got hurt!

Steve began to get involved in finding me a car, but I gently put him off. As much as I would love to have somebody else find me a car, and just deliver it, I think it would not be a good idea for both of us. They do keep finding places where I can find a used Subaru though.

I am rambling. I had to get that off my chest though! I am really scared after that accident. I hope it passes!!!

Janet 02-08-2010 03:43 AM

I can just imagine how scary being in an accident can be. Hopefully you'll find another car soon and you'll start feeling safe again. Wish I was there to help you.

DianaB 02-08-2010 06:54 AM

Give it some time.......you had a bad accident and, I'm sure, that it's natural to be afraid now. When something like that happens it really makes us thnk about what could have happened and our mortality. Wish that I was there to give you a hug!!!

Look for a car on your own but make sure that Steve and a mechanic are available to check it over. Men tend to check out the mechanical stuff more than we do. I wish that you lived close to us because Glen's really good at checking out stuff like that!!

paula1961 02-08-2010 09:09 AM

Awww Judy. It's normal to feel like you do after a car accident. It had to have scared you to death, whether you realized it or not. Give it some time. I don't blame you for not feeling safe in your car now. Maybe you can get the struts replaced and it will drive better.
Hope you find you a different car soon and maybe you will feel better.

Here's a hug from me:):bighug:

Blueyes 02-08-2010 01:40 PM

Judy, it sounds like you have a big case of post- tramatic stress. It's a very real thing that happens after something like what you have been through. Give yourself a few days before you make any major decisions, and let your kids help you. Maybe Steve can find you a good car to look at.

judy 02-08-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 107009)
Judy, it sounds like you have a big case of post- tramatic stress. It's a very real thing that happens after something like what you have been through. Give yourself a few days before you make any major decisions, and let your kids help you. Maybe Steve can find you a good car to look at.

PTS??? I always think "I'm too tough for these things!" I guess not! I went to a used car dealer close by today. He's going to look for me, and so is my mechanic.
A friend told me about another place close by today also, so I will head over there tomorrow.

I have a Women's Network shindig tonight, but I am not going. I am hibernating....probably should go, but I just do not feel like socializing. I did call two women from there, and they were wonderful! I also called a therapist and made an appointment for next week. At least I can have a shrink around for this nervous breakdown!!!;)

gja1000 02-08-2010 04:48 PM

YES, PTSD. It gets the best of us, even Iron Woman Judy! :p

It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Like you, I like to hibernate when I'm feeling like that. Do what feels right. You are making progress by putting out feelers to find a car. I think that will really help - the car feels unsafe which makes the stress of driving it even worse.

BIG HUG! :love-hug3::hug::justahug:

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