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jrsygal37 02-28-2010 08:47 AM

Hi guys. Once again I have not been on too much but have been thinking about all of you. I jumped on today to ask for some help. Our rescue is in a contest for "Best Rescue Of 2009." Our Baby Hope has been entered. Many of you may remember her from my Facebook. She was the little pitbull mix that was duct taped into a cardboard box and put out to garbage on a curb in Philadelphis. She was there for days before anyone realized that there was a live animal in the box. She was near death when our rescue took her. She is now doing well and in a great forever home. She is entered in a contest for best rescue of 2009 and if she wins our rescue will receive a $500 donation, to help another animal in need. If you could please take the time to cast a vote for Baby Hope it would be much appreciated!! Voting ends tomorrow 12 noon Pacific time. You can vote every day. Thanks very much. Elaine


This is the link to Hope's story and on the left you click on the link to vote for your favorite rescue. Please if you could, cast a vote for Baby Hope. THanks so much!

paula1961 02-28-2010 11:10 AM

I voted for Baby Hope. She is absolutely adorable!

Thanks to you and your rescue for taking this special baby in and finding her the perfect forever home!:thumbup:

jrsygal37 02-28-2010 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by paula1961 (Post 107808)
I voted for Baby Hope. She is absolutely adorable!

Thanks to you and your rescue for taking this special baby in and finding her the perfect forever home!:thumbup:

Thanks so much for your vote. I greatly appreciate the time you all are taking!! I'm heading out to work now but will check in later again. Thanks again so much for everyone taking the time out of their busy schedules to help us.


Blueyes 02-28-2010 03:58 PM

I voted too! Good luck!!

Lindsey 02-28-2010 04:04 PM

I voted!

jrsygal37 02-28-2010 08:22 PM

Hi guys. I just got in from work and wanted to pop on and give everyone a big thank you for taking the time to vote. I'm sorry I don't get on here at much as I do. I work quite a bit, and I take care of my dad and my mom who is in a nursing home and when I'm not doing that I spend quite a bit of time online trying to to place dogs with famiies who are looking. Then I'm on Yorkie Talk quite a bit since I have five Yorkie rescues. I spend much of my time when I'm online trying to educate on puppymills, and good places to find a pet and bad places to stay away from. That's my passion, so I have little time left to get onto other areas online. I promise to try and get on here more often. Many of you I see on Facebook:) Thanks so much for all your help. Elaine

judy 03-01-2010 06:13 AM

I voted for Baby Hope. Thanks for doing such wonderful work Elaine!

jrsygal37 03-01-2010 09:18 AM

Thanbk you guys. I just checked and Hope is down about 200 votes right now. Voting is still gong on up until today at 12 Pacific time, so we still have time. Please continue to cast your votes. YOu can vote everyday, so ev en if you already voted yesterday you can vote again today. Thanks so much!!

jrsygal37 03-01-2010 05:12 PM

I've been sick all day with an upper respiratory/sinus infection and spent most of the day in bed. I just got email confirmation that our Baby Hope has won. The last I checiked it looked ike her final total was 2994 with second place trailing behind aT 2618. I really wish there could have been more then one winner. God knows all the rescues need the funds. I really thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for caring enough to vote. Elaine

Lindsey 03-01-2010 05:33 PM

Congratulations on Baby Hope's win!

DianaB 03-01-2010 08:22 PM

I'm glad that Baby Hope won!!! I'm sorry that I didn't get in on the vote :( I tried but the voting had already closed.

paula1961 03-02-2010 06:56 AM

Congratulations to Baby Hope!! Thanks for the wonderful work that you do! I hope you get to feeling better.

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