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Lindsey 04-26-2010 07:09 PM

Please pray for Layla. Will explain later. PLEASE.

MaddieBoo 04-26-2010 09:06 PM

I saw your thread on YT. :( :( :( Sending thoughts your way. Big hugs to you and Layla

Lindsey 04-27-2010 05:11 AM

Thanks Maddie.

Over the course of yesterday, Layla went from not climbing stairs to completely losing control of her back legs. She may have a split or ruptured disk. We need to decide our course of action for the next couple of days... if it gets bad enough do we want to do back surgery or commit her to being on wheels for the rest of her life. We will do the surgery, no matter what the cost. But we're praying she gets better before it gets to that point.

judy 04-27-2010 05:28 AM

Prayers are coming to Layla, Lindsey. I read it on FB. Please post asap.

Hugs to you too! You just be so scared!

DianaB 04-27-2010 05:30 AM

Oh, poor Layla. That sounds so serious. I'll be praying.

Lindsey 04-27-2010 05:34 AM

I am terrified. She is my baby. Our vet just took her in and is hopefully going to get her to pee or poop today since she wouldn't for us all night. We bought this house for Layla, we wanted her to have a yard so we bought a house. What if she can't enjoy it? What if she can't even get up and down the stairs? What if we should have just stayed in the condo to make her life easier?

I asked the vet about chiropractors because a YT person said she had great luck with chiropractors with even totally paralyzed dogs. The vet said it could be great, and she would get some information for me today. She was going to call another vet who practices accupuncture, although he's in the process of retiring. She's going to try to get us in. She's also calling the small animal hospital to get quotes and book us in for an MRI.

I am exhausted and I feel nauseous. My baby can't walk. I have taken that so for granted. I should have taken her in yesterday morning instead of waiting all day. Maybe something could have been done sooner. She walked on it and it kept getting worse until she couldn't walk anymore.

Blueyes 04-27-2010 05:54 AM

Lindsey, you ARE exhausted. Everything just looks really bad to you right now. Maybe Layla's problem can be fixed as quickly as it popped up. Don't question buying your house or when you got her to the vet. Just go slow and make the best decisions that you can at the time. We are all praying for you. You have always done your best for Layla, and for everybody that you love. Breathe Linds.....

Lindsey 04-27-2010 06:16 AM

Got a call, it's progressing quickly, so we are taking her directly to the animal hospital in the city. They may be able to do back surgery today. Continue to pray.

DianaB 04-27-2010 06:20 AM

Lindsey, you and Layla will be in my thoughts and prayers today. Hugs, GF :hug:

Blueyes 04-27-2010 06:39 AM

I'm so sorry Lindsey. She's lucky to have you for her mommy. Thank you for keeping us posted.

paula1961 04-27-2010 10:30 AM

OMGosh Lindsey! I know you must be devastated. I am praying for little Layla!! I so hope everything is ok with her. You are a fantastic Mommy!! Never doubt that!

Blueyes 04-27-2010 11:23 AM

Still praying for you, Layla and Scott.

judy 04-27-2010 11:56 AM

How is Layla? I'll keep checking in. She is in my prayers.

DIANE W 04-27-2010 12:51 PM

Oh Lindsey.......I am so so sorry and saddened, i just cant begin to understand what you must be going through.

Now just stop thinking all those "If only" thoughts, you are not to blame for this, you are just stressing out and it is making you think all sorts.

I am going to be so worried and i will be keeping a check out for updates. I am praying that all will be well, it is just dreadful news - Harvey is my baby too, so i can only imagine what you are going thorough.

Keep positive, god bless baby Layla and keep her safe and make her well x x x

Janet 04-27-2010 03:17 PM

Lindsey, I was just on YT checking on Layla. I know it's crazy to say try not to worry, so I won't. You have a lot of people praying for Layla. Please let us know how she's doing. We're here for you sweetie.

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