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gja1000 06-06-2010 01:30 PM

The weather is just hot, sticky and gross here today! It feels like we could have some bad storms later - but there is only a 20% chance. YUK! I hate this humidity!

lynne b 06-06-2010 02:43 PM

I posted in the other thread about todays weather being so nice, well i should have kept it to myself, it's pouring outside right now and they are calling for isolated thunderstorms tonight. I really don't want a repeat of last night. I am so tired of the rain.
Gayle, i hope you don't have any storms and it cools down for you a bit.

Janet 06-06-2010 03:01 PM

So far no rain here Lynne. See it's a bit dark toward your area. It is clouding up. Hope the guys don't have to drive in bad weather.

gja1000 06-06-2010 06:47 PM

No storms here tonight, thankfully.

paula1961 06-07-2010 05:33 AM

It has been very hot and humid here too. And has been raining almost everyday forever seems like. I'm so tired of it. We leave Wednesday for Tn. I hope it doesn't rain the whole time we're there.......but they are giving a small chance of rain everyday on weather.com.:(

JJJ 06-07-2010 01:09 PM

70% chance of pouring water down here :( YUCK!!!

I did buy batteries in case I need to use my lamps. As long as I'm inside when it rains I don't mind.

Lindsey 06-07-2010 01:26 PM

It's been rainy here! It has only rained on my birthday once in my life, and this year the trend continued, we got a one-day break from the rain for a hot sunny day yesterday!
Back to a gloomy day again today though, and it's supposed to stay this way all week.

gja1000 06-07-2010 01:37 PM

The humidity is back to 1000% today and there are thundershowers around the area, but none on my house, yet.

judy 06-07-2010 03:38 PM

We had tornado warnings yesterday! It rained, and then it poured for about half an hour. Then, out came the sun and it was beautiful! You really can never tell here what is going to happen!

Shada 06-08-2010 07:51 PM

A certified tornado went right by my house Saturday night and created lots of damage. Thankfully nobody was hurt... I slept thru it!!!
Had no idea until moring what was going on.. scary!!! Very lucky!!!!

judy 06-09-2010 05:19 AM

Wow Shada! Did it get your property? I hope not! Good that nobody got hurt.

I have the heat on this morning!!! It's in the 50's, but humid and windy. Of course, this is why people come up here for summer. It can get nice and hot during the day, but it really cools off at night, unless there is a bona fide heat wave.

There is a frost warning in Warren County, nearby, for tonight!~

paula1961 06-09-2010 07:13 AM

Wow Shada! So glad no one was hurt during the tornado. Sleeping through it sounds like something I would do.

It is raining here today. We were supposed to leave this morning but we're going to wait until this afternoon. Hopefully we won't have to drive in the rain the whole way to Tn. It's supposed to rain the whole time we're there but we are going anyway.:rolleyes: Oh well, I guess we'll just relax and sit around the campground for a few days.

Janet 06-09-2010 10:34 AM

So glad the tornado didn't get you Shada!!! I would have slept through it too. I don't even stay awake anymore when we have storms....I get tired...I go to bed...LOL

judy 06-09-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by paula1961 (Post 110772)
Wow Shada! So glad no one was hurt during the tornado. Sleeping through it sounds like something I would do.

It is raining here today. We were supposed to leave this morning but we're going to wait until this afternoon. Hopefully we won't have to drive in the rain the whole way to Tn. It's supposed to rain the whole time we're there but we are going anyway.:rolleyes: Oh well, I guess we'll just relax and sit around the campground for a few days.

Have a safe trip, Paula. Hopefully, you'll catch some sun.

DianaB 06-12-2010 07:06 AM

Shada, tornadoes can be so scary. I'm glad that you were far enough away that you didn't have any damage. I hate when they come at night. Where I live we really don't have too many...it's mostly the center of Kansas that has the most trouble and east of us in Missouri. We seem to miss most of the tornadoes.

Paula, I hope you have a good time camping and have some nice weather!! I'd hate to see your new camper with mud tracked in it.

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