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DianaB 07-09-2010 01:04 PM

I'm applying for a job......
Actually...it's a couple of jobs, one is a part-time job at the hospital and the other job is full time at the bank. Things have gotten tight for us since Feyn came back to farming. Glen bought equipment to work all the ground that we gained when Feyn quit but now that Feyn has his ground back it's caused a hardship on us. I'm not really sure about this but in the end it will help us out. I've worked a few jobs in the past.....not anything for long periods of time but jobs mostly to fill in or help out. I have my resume all ready to take in and it's been proof read by Dae Lynn......so we'll see what happens. I'll be taking them in on Monday. Cross your fingers!!!!!

Lindsey 07-09-2010 01:06 PM

Wow, I hope you get one of them! Or an offer on both, because a choice is always nice ;) My fingers are crossed for you!

paula1961 07-09-2010 01:34 PM

Good luck Diana!! Whoever gets you will sure be getting a terrific lady to work for them.:) Let us know how it goes.

gja1000 07-09-2010 01:37 PM

Good luck Diana! Of course I hope you get the one at the hospital :D

Shada 07-09-2010 02:42 PM

Good luck!! I am sure you will be offered one.. or both!!!

DianaB 07-09-2010 02:48 PM

Thanks everyone!!!

Shada, I'm not so sure. My work record isn't the best. I know that I can do the work but I also know that there are people more qualified and with better resumes than what I have. We'll just see what happens.

JJJ 07-09-2010 02:51 PM

Good Luck!!!

Gina 07-09-2010 04:10 PM

Good luck Diana! You will do just fine... :)

Blueyes 07-09-2010 08:03 PM

That's great Diana! If you had your choice, which job would you take?

Marilyn 07-10-2010 06:34 AM

Wow, keep us posted!!! Hope you get one you really like!!

judy 07-10-2010 06:57 AM

Good luck Diana! I hope you get the best possible situation, whichever it is. I would hire you in a heartbeat! You have such positive energy. I sure would rather have you than someone with a "better" resume anytime!

DianaB 07-10-2010 07:58 AM

Judy, you are so sweet!!!

Betsi, I think if I had a choice that I'd want the job at the hospital. It's a part time job and I wouldn't be working so closely to a lot of other women.

One problem I would have with working at the bank is that I'm friends with a girl that stole a lot of money years ago from the bank. I wasn't friends with her until after it happened and she had served her time but I know that there's still a lot of hard feelings over it.

Janet 07-11-2010 06:12 AM

Good luck Diana. I know what you mean about hardship right now. I still haven't had any calls on the puppies (which is unusal by now) and our renter just lost his job. We just don't have it to make the payment for more than a month or two. Just when I'm able to not worry so much about Mom...this happens. Not sure how much more my nerves can take.

I've applied at some different spots here in town, but so far no luck. I need to bring in some money.

judy 07-11-2010 07:16 AM

Times are so hard Janet! Jessie was having the same problem with her pups, but it has picked up all of a sudden. They had to cut the price in half though.

I hope something good turns up very soon!!!

DianaB 07-14-2010 07:53 AM

Our newspaper only comes out twice a week and the ad for the job at the hospital wasn't in the Thursday paper (which we get on Friday). I couldn't make it to town so I ended up e-mailing my resume in late that evening. I really would have prefered to take it in but didn't want to miss being included in their choosing.

Well, I went in to the hospital yesterday to touch base since I'd e-mailed instead to coming in and I found out that the job had already been filled. I talked to a friend of mine and she implied that I probably would have been chosen. Can we say.....Bummer!!!! She told me not to give up because some times the person they chose doesn't work out. I left my resume with her and told her that I was very interested if things don't work out. It did make me feel good that she though I would have gotten the job......man......I really wanted to work there but I guess we'll see what happens. The hospital's often hiring office work so there's always next time.

I also took my resume into the bank and just dropped it off. The girl that I talked to said that they'll be choosing on Friday but the girl that's leaving isn't going until September so I'd probably have a month before I'd start working there. I guess we'll just see what happens.

I'm kinda nervous about leaving Jazzi and Reuger at home that much but Glen's in and out of the house sometimes. They can stay outside but when it's so hot I know that they don't like it. Oh well....I guess we'll figure it out.

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