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What Did You Do Today?
I went to an auction. Of all things I went to look for (not having any money) was a 2005 Cadillac. It was sooo nice. I just thought it would look even better with me driving it.....:lol2: At the last auction I went to there were two nice cars and one went for $500 and the other for $1000 so I thought maybe this Cadillac would go cheap too....heck no....it went for $9000 :eek:. Needless to say.....I'm still driving my van.
I did buy an oak dresser that matches my bedroom suit and one of those battery powered scooters like you see in Wal Mart. I got it for $50. I thought maybe Mom could use it or my older brother could use it because his knees are really bad. If not...it will be my new toy for awhile.. :p There is another auction next Saturday that I plan on going to if it doesn't rain, it's an outside auction. |
That sounds like so much fun Janet! My sister and her husband go to auctions alot. They even go to a QVC auction on Sat nights in WV. They find great buys on all kinds of stuff!
Sorry you didn't get your Cadillac! Maybe next time. You got a great buy on that scooter though! I wish I could find one that cheap, I'd get it for my Dad. I bet that oak dresser is pretty isn't it? I haven't really done anything today. Just got home last night from Dad and Mom's. Had been there since Wed. I haven't been feeling the best today. I think I may have caught some kind of bug or something. Hopefully it will pass soon. |
I hope you get to feeling better, Paula!!
Janet, it sounds like you had fun!! I like to go and look but I just hate standing around all day!! The car sounds like it was still a pretty good deal but certainly not a bargain like the other cars were. Keep looking.....you'll find something!! I'm still painting.....Dae Lynn and I painted yesterday until almost 10 o'clock. We were absolutely worn out but we didn't have the kids and things go better without them. We went back at 4 o'clock today and worked a little bit more without the kids again. We have some touch ups in different areas but the bed rooms and living room are mostly done......in Karlie's room we have to paint the ceiling, but it should go quickly. Lastly we have the kitchen and we're hoping to have it done by Tuesday!! I can't tell you how nice that everything looks. I'll post some pictures after we get everything done and I have time!! |
I wasn't really looking for a car....my van is fine...lol...I just thought if it went cheap enough...why not..LOLOL
Yesterday I didn't do anything....didn't even get dressed. Well I did do laundry, but that's nothing new. This morning I went to town to do my normal Monday errands...bank and groceries. Ricky went with me which makes it more fun. While at the store...my older brother calls and puts me on the phone with Mom. I guess she was suppose to be at her Kidney Dr. and I totally spaced it. She rescheduled for Wednesday, but since my brother wasn't working....he could have taken her. Oh well....I obviously don't have anything else to do. :) |
Glad you and Ricky got to spend some time together today Janet. It does make it better when we get to do things with someone that makes us happy doesn't it?
Today I went to the dr. I've been feeling really nauseated (sp?) for the past few days. I'm going to go for a test on Wed morning. The dr thinks it might be my gall bladder:eek: Ive been feeling bloated after I eat certain things too, I've been doing that for a few months. Oh well.............my motto here lately is......everything will work itself out, it always does. After the drs appt, hubby and I went to Walmart and got some things that we needed. That's about it for my day:rolleyes: |
So far this morning I went walking with some co-workers. We parked our buses after dropping the kids off and walked all around our parking alot. I could only do 2 laps today...been awhile since I did much walking. I'm planning on going everyday that I can. It was fun having someone to talk and walk with.
Well...........so far I have laundry in the dryer and the washer, dusted and vacuumed the living room and washed dishes....decided I needed a computer break lol!:D
Today i have......
Got up at 7am, got ready for work, done some dishes, and put washing in as it looks to be a nice day (Dave will hang it out to dry when he comes home from work later). Got to work for 8am, was quite busy today so day went very quick - as i like it too. Arrived home at 5, sat and had a coffee and chat to family, brought washing in from garden. Now on computer catching up, waiting for my favorite TV programmes to start. Not sure what to have to eat............... everyone else has eaten, may just have baked potatoe with melted cheese and onion, and some salad, that is a nice easy meal. |
Yesterday, I went out just to be outside. It was a beautiful day. I was going to take the dogs, but I would have had to leave them in the car for too long.
Went to the post office, and got 3 tops I bought - 2 on eBay and one from Kohl's The Kohl's top will probably go to Mackenzie. It's a bit shapeless for me. The thermal henley is great, and the other top will also go to Mackenzie too. I do this every season...shop online and then only like about 1/2 the stuff I get. Have to stop! Then, went to Jessie's to bring them the tickets for "Wicked." Visited for a while, played with the dogs. Muffin, the new yorkie pup is so cute! I love their little dogs! Hate the big ones! I never go out to see them. I helped Kassidy with her reading comprehension hw, while the devil came out in her! Jessie was laughing at how she gets away with things with me! Then Mackenzie and I did her math hw, which I don't know at all. Metric conversions....boring!!! Since she has been wrapping me around her finger for longer than Kass, I ended up finishing her hw for her. Jess laughed at me again! Then we watched the video of "Annie." They are going to see "Wicked" today. I hope they have a wonderful time! Steve, who has been ultra grumpy lately (not working), got on me for buying them the tickets because then Jess has to drive to Amtrak and home. It's about an hour and some away, and she doesn't do well driving distances. I understand that he worries. We discussed it, and I said that maybe he should drive them and pick them up from Amtrak. He admitted that that's a pain in the neck. A while later, he came inside and apologized to me!!! I almost fell off the couch! It was nice, to say the least. I came home, played online for a while, grilled dinner, watched tv, and that was that. It was a very nice day. |
Today I went to the hospital to have that barium (sp?) swallow done. Had to be there at 9 am and didn't get out of there until after noon! Anyway........that crap you have to drink is disgusting! That test was to see if I might have a hernia problem and then I go back on the 29th to have the other test done to check my gall bladder. Needless to say........I haven't accomplished much at all today.
Oh and I did stop off at the grocery store to pick up the rest of the stuff I needed to make party mix for my parents retirement get together on Sunday evening. Other than that, I have done nothing at all. Oh well..I really don't feel like doing much anyway. |
Today I took my mother to the kidney Dr. I was suppose to take her on Monday, but spaced it and didn't even have it on my calendar. She's doing really well. I just put 'Oven Fry' on some chicken and stuck it in the oven. Not really wanting chicken, but I've had it in the fridge and it's time I used it up. Not sure what else I'll fix, but I'm sure I'll think of something.
I had a hectic day at work, meetings, meetings, meetings. I was brain dead by 4:00. I was trying to do a bit of math in my head, and it just wouldn't work! :D
On the way home it started to rain and I thought, YAY! It's raining on my yard. NOT. It was dry as a bone when I got home. But then it did rain a little bit later. Gary said, "Let's go to Schlotzky's" I don't know if you all have them up north. It's a really good sandwich shop, and now it has pizza. I LOVE the smoked turkey sandwich and it is not bad calorie/fat wise. So, I didn't have to cook. :D:D Then we stopped at Lowe's and got a little garden frog with a yellow umbrella. He's standing upright on 2 legs holding the umbrella over his head. The umbrella is actually like a yellow daisy. Sounds hokey and it sorta is, but cute. We also got a little turtle with a butterfly on his back. Next thing you know, I'll have garden gnomes - it could happen :p |
Today after we dropped the kids off myself and 3 other ladies went for our walk. I walked 3 miles today, so that makes a total of 5 miles in 3 days. My shins hurt and my feet. I've been wearing new walking shoes, but still hurting.
We had record heat for the last few days. Today was 96 and so humid too. Our county and lots of others are under a fire ban. There are so many field fires in some surrounding counties and we've had a couple small ones in our county. Everything is so dry. We need rain and did get just a little, but not enough to help in any way. Sure hope it rains soon. |
I had a better day today, not so hectic! After work I went to watch my granddaughter play volleyball. But the game was not very good, the team they played was not very good so it was over quickly!
I walked another 3 miles this morning. To tell the truth....I'm beat! I really should take a nap, but maybe I'll take one after the afternoon route.
Was informed that a mother has already called in and complained about me. She was a witch last year and I guess I have to put up with the witch this year too. I had to tell her 10th grade daughter to sit up in her seat so another student could sit down. It says in the bus rules that the students are to sit with their feet on the floor facing forward. If their child would just follow the rules they could save themselves a phone call. What an idiot! |
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