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judy 02-17-2011 07:33 AM

Sciatica hurts!
I'm having a sciatica attack, and it hurts! I stayed home yesterday laying on the couch with a heating pad, and am going to rest today too. I hope it subsides by tomorrow. I enjoy staying home, but resting on the couch all day because of an ailment is not mu cup of tea!

It began in the summer, after I wrenched my back a couple of times. Wearing wedgie flip flops in the country is not such a good idea! It subsided a lot since then, but came back this week. I don't want to go to the doctor because it's not that bad so far. I'm annoyed at myself because I went for a message for my neck on Monday. I told her to just concentrate on the neck area, and may have to go back now for the sciatica! It's $70.00, which I don't feel like spending twice in one month! I usually go about once every 3 months, and she keeps my neck under control.

This really should be my biggest health problem, considering everything else that could happen, but I needed to vent!

Blueyes 02-17-2011 10:59 AM

I've heard a chiropractor is really good for sciatica. I hope you feel better soon!

JJJ 02-17-2011 05:08 PM

I really hope you start feeling better soon. XOXO

Gina 02-18-2011 08:30 PM

Hey Judy,

I can feel your pain. I had a bout with sciatica about two weeks ago, I was taking some motrin and using hot moisture heat for I don't have an heating pad. I did call my PT and she said give it another week if you still have it come in. Thank God I am feeling much better, they say it comes and goes. Wonderful..lol Another suggestion is to sleep with a pillow under your leg . It helps.. hope that your feeling better.. hugs..

judy 02-19-2011 03:47 AM

Thanks! I do feel better. I laid on the couch for a couple of days, and at some point, I have to walk it off, which is what I'm doing.

I have always been really careful with my lower back, and had no trouble. Now that I'm older, I can see why I did that! I should probably go for PT and some back exercises.

Janet 02-19-2011 06:08 AM

Gosh Judy...I'm so glad you're feeling better. Not sure I like the idea that it comes back every now and again. At least you know what to do and can head it off at the pass so to speak. If ever it doesn't go way within a reasonable time...then please seek help. I don't want anything happening to you.

gja1000 02-19-2011 03:45 PM

Judy! I don't know how I missed this. I'm so sorry about the sciatica - I've never had it but known several people who have. It came on suddenly in a friend of mine and she didn't know what it was and ended up in the hospital in traction!!! She went to PT and has not had it since, but she does her back exercises religiously.

Hope it stays away - no need for such nonsense, huh!

Shada 02-19-2011 07:14 PM

Hope you are feeling better!
I know how painful it can be... healing prayers sent your way!!!

judy 02-20-2011 06:53 AM

It has subsided for now. Thanks girls! They always do say to rest and I am lucky that I can do that. I do have to learn some exercises as a preventive measure.

I'm sure I can find some good ones online.

paula1961 02-20-2011 09:05 AM

Glad you're feeling better Judy! My Mom and sister have had bouts with that! Hopefully you can find some exercises that will help relieve the pain the next it flares up. ~Hugs~:)

lynne b 02-20-2011 10:33 AM

glad your feeling better Judy, I know how it feels to have the back pain it really takes a toll on you.

DianaB 02-27-2011 06:50 PM

I'm glad that you're feeling better too, Judy!!!

highlans 03-08-2011 05:59 AM

Try a Pilate's ball just gentle rocking certainly helps me, I now use it whilst I am on the computer.

judy 03-08-2011 05:05 PM

Sit on it? Don't you get a bit sea sick while on the computer? I can't picture it actually.

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