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lynne b 03-13-2011 03:42 PM

My Boy Nik
4 Attachment(s)
Nik is my boy i kept from my last litter, he is Serena's full brother, he is such a sweet boy.

Blueyes 03-13-2011 03:59 PM

Oh WOW, he's gorgeous!! Look at that face, hair and body! I know you're proud of him!

paula1961 03-13-2011 07:22 PM

He is beautiful Lynne!

DianaB 03-13-2011 07:59 PM

Oh how cute!!!! I just love the way that he's groomed!!!! What a doll!!!!!

judy 03-14-2011 05:16 AM

Just look at that face!!! He is precious!

Janet 03-14-2011 05:59 AM

Gorgeous Lynne!!! Hope you can get him shown.

gja1000 03-14-2011 09:07 AM

Oh Lynne, what a gorgeous boy! His coat is so beautiful. You should see my boys, they look like ragamuffins. I don't know how you do it! He definitely looks like show quality to me, but of course, I know nothing about show dogs.

JJJ 03-15-2011 10:25 AM

He is just precious and you definitely do a well job grooming him.

lynne b 03-15-2011 02:08 PM

Thanks all for the comments on my little boy. He may be leaving me soon to go live with my breeder, she has offered to show him for me. He still has a long way to go before we know weather he is showable or not, he needs to grow some, so hopeing he has a growth spurt soon.

I did take him to a retired show/breeder that lives near me and she was very impressed with him. It has been my dream to have one of my babies in the show ring....so wish me luck.

JJJ 03-15-2011 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by lynne b (Post 118442)
Thanks all for the comments on my little boy. He may be leaving me soon to go live with my breeder, she has offered to show him for me. He still has a long way to go before we know weather he is showable or not, he needs to grow some, so hopeing he has a growth spurt soon.

I did take him to a retired show/breeder that lives near me and she was very impressed with him. It has been my dream to have one of my babies in the show ring....so wish me luck.

Oh good luck :goodluck:

His gorgeous so I'm pretty sure he has as much chance as others.

DianaB 03-16-2011 09:23 AM

Good luck with him, Lynne!!! How exciting it would be to have a show dog!!! He is a beauty!!

lynne b 07-29-2012 02:58 PM

update on Nik
4 Attachment(s)
Omg I look at the 1st pic on this post and can't believe how much Nik has matured! The 1st pic here Nik took a Best of Breed on June 24th in Mi. the next is him relaxin after winning Winners Dog in Ohio yesterday. Then Gail in the ring, then since Gail was showing Magic also (Niks dad) she needed a helper to show Nik, so the girl with the ribbons showed Nik for her first time in the ring and she was in the ring with 2 of the top handlers in Mi and Nik took the Winners Dog, she looks so proud LOL. Nik needs 2 majors and he will be a Champion dog like his dad, only his dad is AKC & UKC & International CH and working on his grand CH now, whew i am not sure we will measure up to his dad, maybe just a grand CH.
We are so proud of both of these boys, thanks to Gail she is makeing my dream come true.

lynne b 07-29-2012 03:03 PM

more pics
3 Attachment(s)
first pic is Magic, Niks dad, then Gail with a friend of hers, then Hayley showing Nik for her first show. And let me tell you, she has more nerves than i would have to be showing against the show handlers that were there, Gail said she did an awsome job.

DianaB 07-30-2012 12:11 PM

Congratulations, Lynne!! How exciting!!! Nik is still a beautiful dog!! After he wins all of these awards......then what do you do? Do you use him to breed? I wouldn't even know where to begin in showing dogs so I'm definitely impressed!!!

Blueyes 07-31-2012 02:19 PM

What beautiful dogs! Congratulations, I know you are proud!

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