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Lindsey 11-18-2006 10:40 PM

Okay, who has 'em?
I have one and I want to get another after I finish college. I had a design picked out for a long time, a tribal gemini sign, but I just decided tonight that it's not really "me" anymore. I'm now thinking maybe a quote from my favourite poem... "Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?" But I don't know where I would put it!
So let's hear about your tattoos.. I know I can't be the only one here who has one!

Janet 11-19-2006 02:59 AM

I use to think about getting a tattoo when I was younger. I think they look nice on some young women if they are small and classy. Whether they are small or classy or not they look horrible on old women....so I decided not to.

Met a lady that had a beautiful small butterfly on her back near her shoulder. She was in her 80's and it just did not look good at all. Maybe it did when she was younger, but not now.

Marilyn 11-19-2006 05:32 AM

I don't have one, but if I did, it would have to be somewhere inconspicuous, where clothes would cover. Saw a tribal, multiple spear point looking approximately 2" x 2" tatoo on the inside wrist of a young ladie at Hastings last night. I could understand why she would want it, but where it was, she would see it all the time. I would get tired of it real quick there and want it gone.

A tatoo would have to be something with really special meaning to have it become permanently part of your body. I'd go with either some figure that you really, really like, with some significance that you know will mean just as much in a few years, or as you suggest a part of a poem. Where to put it??? Honestly, I vote on a piece of jewelery you can remove when you want. Nothing really wrong with the tatoo, but things go out of style and I would get tired of them. Permanent is scarry.

Lindsey 11-19-2006 08:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I agree that it should be something with meaning. My first tattoo I got a year after high school... I had moved out on my own, completed my first year of college, and learned so much about myself. I felt I had learned to spread my wings for the first time, so I got a butterfly to symbolize that time in my life.
I also don't want to put a tattoo anywhere noticeable. The one I have now is on my lower back, sometimes I forget I even have it! I love being girly, and I would like to look classy when I'm wearing a dress and heels. And I still need to get married, and I don't want a tattoo sticking out of my wedding dress!
Here's a picture of the one I have now:

Marilyn 11-19-2006 09:06 PM

That's a nice tatoo for a lower back one. I like the butterfly instead of a strickly tribal design, and it has significance for you. It's very mature of you to think ahead to your wedding. I know a very young lady who got a tatoo between her shoulder blades when she was about 18. For her I believe it was because she was a really nice girl, and she wanted to be just a little bit rebellious without going crazy. I let my daughters have cartlidge piercings and purple stripes in their hair for the same reason. Any way, a couple of years later this young lady had a big church wedding, and had heavy makeup applied to cover the tatoo. She was really wishing she didn't have it that day. The makeup covered pretty well, but those of us who knew it was there could definitely tell.

I did see a lady who had a small lady bug that was on top of her foot, kinda to the side. It looked almost real, and was actually kinda cute.

Lindsey 11-19-2006 09:12 PM

A couple of my friends got tattoos when we were about 15... they both got a maple leaf on their shoulder blades (which, i have to say were badly done. The place was shut down not long after). They thought it was cool at the time, but at high school grad they were both wearing beautiful gowns, with faded black and red maple leafs on their skin. One of them was just married this summer, and all I could notice from behind with her gorgeous strapless wedding dress, was that eyesore tattoo!

RLC12345678 11-20-2006 07:06 AM

Lindsey, as time has gone by are have changed your mind and realized that the original tatoo you wanted you do not wnat anymore. Aren't you a little worried that as time goes by you may not want the one you get anymore??

I don't have any tatoos. If I were to get one (which I am 99.9% positive I won't bc I'm scared of needles) I would get it on my hip but in a place on my hip where panties and bathing suit bottoms would always cover it up. I would get a decorative cross...very small. But that is the one and only thing I can think of that I would want permanently tattooed on my body for life.

Janet 11-20-2006 08:31 AM

Your tattoo looks very nice...but I wonder what it will look like at 70 or 80 years old. Have you ever noticed on old men how awful they look? I doubt I would ever get one, but like most here have said, it would be out of sight......but then, what's the point?

Lindsey 11-20-2006 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by RLC12345678
Lindsey, as time has gone by are have changed your mind and realized that the original tatoo you wanted you do not wnat anymore. Aren't you a little worried that as time goes by you may not want the one you get anymore??

No I'm not worried because I look at them as like a memory of where I was at that point in my life. If I had gotten the zodiac sign a couple years ago I wouldn't regret it now, because I would remember the time in my life where I felt it was a portrayal of who I was. I guess the tattoos I'm getting are just like milestones in my life.

Lindsey 11-20-2006 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Janet
Your tattoo looks very nice...but I wonder what it will look like at 70 or 80 years old. Have you ever noticed on old men how awful they look? I doubt I would ever get one, but like most here have said, it would be out of sight......but then, what's the point?

People always say this to me, and I just say "When I'm 80 years old, almost every other 80 year old will have tattoos too!" I didn't get my tattoo for anyone but me, and that's how I will continue. I guess when I'm older it's not going to matter how they look, because to me they will be memories.

Janet 11-20-2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Lindsey
People always say this to me, and I just say "When I'm 80 years old, almost every other 80 year old will have tattoos too!" I didn't get my tattoo for anyone but me, and that's how I will continue. I guess when I'm older it's not going to matter how they look, because to me they will be memories.

That is probably very true!!!! I love the look of some tattoos, but I think I'll just take pictures for my memories and put them in an album....LOLOL

Cribal 11-20-2006 12:51 PM

I have two tattoos.... I have mine in places that no one can see unless I would want them too.

My first one I got when I was 18. It's a pair of dice with a 4 and 3 showing. "LUCKY NUMBER 7" It's small and simple and on my back right shoulder.

My second I got when I was 19 and it a Geko/Lizard with it's tounge going towards my belly button. This is my favorite one and it got me kicked out of the house. Even though it is my favorite one I REALLY regret. When I was 19 I knew I would NEVER get married and I would NEVER NEVER have kids so when the tattoo person advised me not to get it on my stomach I didn't listen. Now I'm going to have to get it removed b4 I plan on having kids or my lizard will turn into a DINOSOUR....LOL I figured that I would get a small copy of it on my ankle or something when I get it removed.

Marilyn 11-20-2006 07:03 PM

Your lizzard story reminds me of a young woman I know who got cherries on her tummy near her belly button. She married and gained a LOT of weight (like 70~80 lbs, maybe more). Her husband, fortunately was the kind of guy who loved her anyway, but her cherries became apples.

Shannon 11-20-2006 11:31 PM

When I went away to college, my Dad threatened me that if I got a tattoo, he would cut me off. I, of course rebelled, a little.:D He said nothing of piercings. I got a bunch of them. This was over 10 years ago, so they weren't real common at the time.

Lindsey 11-21-2006 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Shannon
When I went away to college, my Dad threatened me that if I got a tattoo, he would cut me off. I, of course rebelled, a little.:D He said nothing of piercings. I got a bunch of them. This was over 10 years ago, so they weren't real common at the time.

:D I've got some piercings too. Not anything too crazy though! When my best friend came down for a week in May, we decided to get peircnigs together on the last day and I got my tongue pierced! Ouch! Fortunately, my grandma hasn't noticed yet, and my parents wouldn't have noticed if I didn't tell them :)

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